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Martial Arts: Self Defense |
Ouch! Stop pulling my hair!
By Christopher Caile
Getting caught in a hair pull can be dangerous and painful, and you can end up in a vary precarious position. Suddenly the head goes forward and down in front of your body -- balance and strength are lost.More
Chinese Arts: |
Inside the Eagle's Claw
By Victor Smith
In the martial arts today there is so much diversity that students rarely get a chance to peer past the veil of an art to really understand how it is composed. Instead, preconceived notions, suppositions or movies fill in the gaps to create something else. I would like to give everyone a glimpse into a traditional Northern Chinese system of study, that of Fann Tzi Ying Jow Pai -- Northern Eagle Claw.More |
Martial Arts: Energy Arts and Qugong |
Acupuncture Points Verified with New Technology
By David Silver
Modern science is beginning to verify ancient Chinese concepts of energy pathways and points. Here is the science. More |
Martial Arts: Tai Chi, Taijiquan |
Yang Family Taiji Quan - The Hidden Tradition
By Scott Rodell
Few students of Yang style taiji quan (tai chi) realize that Yang family decedents practiced a secret and slightly different family art which in modern times is rarely taught. More
Below the Event Horizon
By Victor Smith
One of the most powerful tools of Karate is its ability to strike below the 'event horizon' of an opponent?s awareness. More
Defining Martial Concepts
Mushin: The State of Mind
By Christopher Caile
While the concept of immovability is central to Buddhism, especially Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyo) and Zen, it also represents an equally important goal for those in karate, taekwondo, judo and mixed martial arts. More
Simple Lessons
Keeping Your Distance
By Terry Bryan
The proper spacing that 'fits' the situation is a crucial element in combat that has been used as long as we have recorded history. More |
From the FightingArts Estore |
Goju-Ryu Karate
By Takashi Miyagi, son of Chojun Miyagi founder of Goju Ryu
Translated by
Nobu Kazi
Hardcover Book, Boxed –Collectors’s Edition
Plus 2 DVD’s |
of Sanchin Kata
This books provides hidden insights about and understanding
into one of karate's foundation kata--Sanchin. |
to Black Belt
book targets students who are studying to become a black belt, but at
the same time it illustrates a path far behind this limited goal. |
The Straight Arm Double Lapel Grab Part 1
By Christopher Caile
This technique taken from the karate kata Pinan four is a simple, easy to execute self-defense for this type attack. |
Up Against The Wall
By Christopher Caile
Pushing someone from behind into a wall or object to hit or steal from them is a common technique, but it is easy to counter with a little knowledge.
Channan: The "Lost" Kata of Itosu?
By Joe Swift
The series of five basic kata called Pinan (later renamed Heian in Japan) are probably the most widely practiced kata in karate today, but were they based on an earlier kata known as Channan? |
A Brief History of Chinese Kung-Fu: Part 1
By David A. Ross
There is a lot of contradictory information circulated about the origins and purposes of Chinese martial arts and most of what is painted by those within these arts is not only misleading and illogical, but also inconsistent. More |
Characteristic Traits of a Good Judo Coach
by Elie A. Morrell, Hachidan
The judo coach's basic job is to pass on his knowledge to others in a clear and understandable way. If he can't properly communicate, this will have long range adverse effects on the students' progress in judo. |
The Study of Kuzushi
By Neil Ohlenkamp
The concept of Kuzushi, or the breaking of an opponent's balance, is central to many martial arts including judo and jujitsu. More |
In the Forums
the Reading Room
The Straight Arm Double Lapel Grab, Part 2
By Christopher Caile
Although many self-defense techniques that are taught to be used against this attack just don’t work, this technique taken from a karate kata is very effective.
Yang Family Taiji Quan - The Hidden Tradition
By Scott Rodell
Few students of Yang style taiji quan (tai chi) realize that Yang family decedents practiced a secret and slightly different family art which in modern times is rarely taught.
Street Stories
Five Dollars
By Jeff Brooks
A true life confrontation with muggers proved also to be an internal confrontation with the self. More
The Best Anti-aging Formula
By Christopher Caile
The best anti-aging formula isn't a pill or a supplement but something you have right before you as a martial artist. More
Simple Lessons
Keeping Your Distance
By Terry Bryan
The proper spacing that 'fits' the situation is a crucial element in combat that has been used as long as we have recorded history. More
Lighter Side
Interesting Historical Facts
Some of the martial arts history found on various sites on the web is so contrived that it's funny, if not scary. More
Science and the Martial Arts
The Mind and the Art of Ping Pong
By Christopher Caile
In any contest, sport as well as in self defense, learn to use your anger, use your emotions as a powerful driver, but don't let emotions use you. More
Who's Who in Martial Arts
Biography of Eisuke Akamine. More
Security and Law Enforcement
Who Are the Good Guys
By Jeff Brooks
A cop story and how law enforcement philosophy and outlook fits the precepts of his role as karate teacher and practitioner of Zen. More
Humor in the Martial Arts
By Gary Gabelhouse
Humor can be an awesome self-defense. More |
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