Hardcover, 682 pages, Illustrated
$ 60.00
(Plus shipping & handling)
Encyclopedia Of Japanese Martial Artsby By David A. Hall
This hardcover encyclopedia is one of the most inclusive and authoritative references on Japanese martial arts available today. It is also fun to read. You get more than 4,000 entries packed into over 600 illustrated pages -- bite-sized chunks of definitions, extensive commentary as well as concise outlines of hundreds of traditional Japanese martial arts and their modern cousins, such as karate, judo, jujutsu, aikido and kendo. Included too is the rich historical and social tapestry within which these arts are embedded. Of course the text is valuable for reference. But reading it is an education. What gives this encyclopedia special value is its rigorous authenticity. David A. Hall, Ph.D., a professor at Montgomery College in Maryland, is one of the foremost Western experts on Japanese martial arts and its social and cultural history. The text is a synthesis of his 45 years of experience as a linguist, student of Eastern religion, researcher, author and martial artist. |
(Paperback, 666 pages)
(Shipping $6.00
within US)
Kodansha’s Romanized
Japanese-English Dictionary
Editor Timothy J. Vance. Adapted for native
English speakers by Matsatoshi Yoshida &
Yoshikatsu Nakamura
This Japanese-English dictionary was selected
for its breadth of 16,000 word vocabulary as
well as its easy to find Romanized entries and
definitions written for English speaking readers.
This is a great resource for martial artists
who want to look up and define Japanese terminology.
If you have ever wondered what a Japanese word
meant while reading, this might just be the
book for you. It also makes a perfect present.
(Paperback, 483 pages)
(Shipping $5.00
within US)
Secrets Of The Samurai-The
Martial Arts of Feudal Japan
By Oscar Ratti & Adele Westbrook
This is one of the top selling martial arts
books in history. It is the definitive study
of the martial arts of feudal Japan –
written in a light, readable style and profusely
illustrated by the master illustrator Oscar
Ratti, famous for his depiction of the action
and intrigue of Japanese martial arts. His illustrations
almost jump off the page into life. Explored
are the details of weapons, techniques, strategies,
and principles of combat, combined with a panoramic
survey of the history of warlord contention
for power and the rise of the Samurai class.
It is a must for serious practitioner of Japanese
martial arts or anyone interested in the history
and rise of the military arts in Japan.
(Paperback, 116 pages, fully illustrated)
(Plus $5.00
Shipping Within US)
Ancient Okinawan Martial
Arts – Koryu Uchinadi - Volume One
By Patrick McCarthy
This two volume series gives the reader access,
for the first time, to an extensive collection
of the most important documents written by and
about Okinawa’s most famous karate and
kobudo masters and their arts. Volume one features
the work and technique of Shinken Taira and
includes Taira’s own encyclopedia of ancient
Ryukuan martial arts. McCarthy also writes about
Taira and demonstrates kobujutsu (weapons) kata
of historical importance.
(Paperback, 133 pages, illustrated)
Ancient Okinawan Martial
Arts – Koryu Uchinadi - Volume Two
By Patrick McCarthy
This two volume series gives the reader access,
for the first time, to an extensive collection
of the most important documents written by and
about Okinawa’s most famous karate and
kobudo masters and their arts. Volume two features
Kenwa Mabuni, Chojun Miyagi and the role of
various martial arts organizations in preserving
and modernizing the ancient arts that became
karate. McCarthy authored chapters about such
topics as Kenwa Mabuni, the Dai Nippon Butokukai,
and the development and essense of karate-do.
Also included is Chojun Miyagi’s outline
of karate-do and the transcription of the historic
1936 meeting of Okinawan karate masters that
determined the future course of karate. Also
included are many rare historic photos. |
(Paperback, 573 pages with illustrations)
(Plus $5.00
Shipping Within US)
The History of an Island People
Revised Edition
By George H. Kerr (afterward by Mitsugu Sakihara)
FTP – BB- 1001
This is the master text of Okinawan history
– a must for all serious karate practitioners
or those interested in this island’s history.
Learn the historical and cultural background
within which karate developed and the true facts
about the government and later Japanese ban
on weapons that spawned the development of empty
hand self-defense. For many this book has been
a prized possession, a source for verification
of facts or to understand this island and its
(208 pages - Paperback)
Okinawa - Island
of Karateby
George W. Alexander
Many consider this Alexanders best work. Coupled
with The Bubishi these books are a mountain
of knowledge and information written by one
of the most knowledgable individuals in the
martial arts today. You will learn the personal
bios on many of the greatest masters this tiny
island has creat ed including Funakoshi, Miyagi
and many more. 208 pages of a master text.