Martial Arts and the Law
When Is Force Justified?
By Alan Duppler
Learning how to use force is easy, but things become complicated when we are either compelled or choose to use it against another.
Avoiding Excess Force: A True Story
By Prof. Gene Roos
In this story jujitsu not only proved to be very effective, but also avoided the perception of excess force that could have gotten the defender arrested along with the attacker.
English Law and Self Defense
By Christopher Dunn and Kevin Pell
The law of self-defense in the United Kingdom stipulates that you can only use as much force in the defense of oneself, one?s property, or others as is reasonable in the circumstances.
Nunchaku: Illegal in New York & California -
By Jim Maloney
In New York and California it is legal to have a shotgun, rifle or sword in your home, but if you have two pieces of wood connected with a rope or chain, possession is a crime.
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