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Defining Martial Concepts

Fudo: The Concept of Immovability
By Christopher Caile

While the concept of immovability is central to Buddhism, especially Esoteric Buddhism (Mikkyo) and Zen, it also represents an equally important goal for those in karate, taekwondo, judo and mixed martial arts.

By FightingArts Staff

What is this central concept that underlies most of martial arts?

By FightingArts Staff

What is this central concept that underlies most of martial arts?

The Center
By FightingArts Staff

This term is rarely used in the West but in Asian martial arts it is a central concept.

By Christopher Caile

Harageri is the integration of inner control and calm in the hara combined with Ki (chi) energy.

By FightingArts Staff

Ma-ai refers to the critical distance between opponents, a point at which forces are essentially neutral, but where anything can happen.

By FightingArts Staff

A concept that is often used to describe a student's progression through training.

Seishin tanren
By FightingArts Staff

Spiritual forging is the higher purpose and end of all physical technique in budo.

By FightingArts Staff

This refers to constant awareness, preparedness for danger and readiness for action.

Budo - A Double Edged Sword
By Uematsu Yoshiyuki (Tesshu)

Budo must be like a double edged sword, kindness and strictness, one within which as you get stronger, you also naturally get kinder

Happo no Kuzushi: Destroying Your Opponent's Balance
By Ronald L. van de Sandt

Knowing how to destroy your opponents balance is something every martial artist should know

Kiai Jutsu: The Shout Used As A Weapon
By Christopher Caile

The true art of the shout, or kiai jutsu in Japanese, can be an effective tool of self-defense capable of having physical effects on an adversary.

Awareness: A Soldier's Experience
By Terry L. Bryan, Kyoshi

I knew if I was going to survive, that I would have to develop the ability to "see" and "hear." I would have to develop the ability to reach out and "touch" the enemy when I chose to.

By Christopher Caile and Deborah Klens-Bigman, Ph.D.

The old Japanese samurai saying, "When the battle is over, tighten your chin strap," refers to the need for martial artists to maintain constant awareness, preparedness for danger and readiness for action.

Simple Lessons: Attitude ? Shisei
By Terry Bryan

Proper attitude shapes you life and is critical in developing the confidence and indomitable spirit to help you face conflict and challenge.

Do versus Jutsu: Which Side Are You On?
By Jeff Brooks

If you can't define -Do and -Jutsu it is hard to get any good traction in the discussion of which of those two you do, which of them your teachers or their teachers did, and the merits of one or the other.

Simple Lessons: 'Dao' or 'Do'
By Terry Bryan

Dao, also spelled Tao, is a very important concept in ancient Chinese thought and although it is often translated as "the way" or "the path," these words do not do justice to the true meaning.

What is a Dojo?
By Jeff Brooks

A dojo isn?t a room, or a group of people, an art, or style, but is instead something that sustains us -- an accumulation of spiritual capital.

What Puts the ?Tao? in the Dojo?-Part 1
By Dave Lowry

The Japanese martial arts dojo?s structure is full of symbolism and when combined with traditional etiquette it also represents some very practical elements of strategy too.

What Puts the ?Tao? in the Dojo? -Part 2
By Dave Lowry

Is there a hidden Taoist symbolism embodied within the layout of the traditional martial arts dojo?

Chinkuchi: The Unique Power of Uchinandi
By Dan Smith

The achievement of this unique power of Okinawan karate is accomplished through the five elements of creating maximum results with minimum effort.

Mental Strength
By Iain Abernethy

It?s a common misconception throughout the martial arts that ?technique? is the key; if we have good technique then we will be effective in combat.

Simple Lessons: Giri
By Terry Bryan

Giri is not easily understood by the Western mind that values individualism since the word includes meaning such as family and group loyalty, duty, responsibility and obligation.

Simple Lessons: Tamashii - Indomitable Spirit
By Terry Bryan

One of the major benefits of training under a good instructor in a classical art is the development of what martial artist call Tamashii or indomitable spirit.

Simple Lessons: Gi - The Bushido Concept of Righteousness, Justice or Morality
By Terry Bryan

The Samurai listed seven virtues of bushido, the first being ?gi? or righteousness, justice or morality.

Simple Lessons: Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight
By Terry Bryan

Successful people don?t always win. They face set backs just like everyone else does. The key is not to give up and to see challenges as opportunities not as problems designed to set you back.

Martial Mania: Ikkiri J?giri
By George Donahue

As I?ve grown still older, I?ve realized more and more that the simple initial interpretation of ikkiri j?giri is far from the best. It has been a good motto all these centuries because it has been so complete.

The Agrippa Code: Metaphysics and the Center in Western Martial Arts
By Ken Mondschein

It should not be surprised that Western arts have developed much the same idea as the center of energy, or "hara" found in Japanese martial arts.

Okinawa's Bushi: Karate Gentlemen
By Charles C. Goodin

In the Okinawan Kingdom and in feudal Japan the term "Bushi" had different meaning. This can get confusing for students of karate

There is No First Strike in Karate
By Victor Smith

An early Japanese 1933 karate book "Kenpo karate," by Mutsu Mizuho provide some interesting insights into the famous karate saying "There is no First Strike in Karate."

To See What Others Do Not See
By Terry Bryan

Practicing karate, taekwondo or other martial arts can build mental skills that can translate into success in life as well as business.

Shin Gi Tai ? Karate Training for Body, Mind, and Spirit
By Michael Clarke

The concept of Shin Gi Tai has long since pointed the way for karateka to make progress. By it?s insistence that the physical techniques of karate are understood through the development of your spirit (character).

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