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Prof. Gene Roos

The Combat Roll
By Prof. Gene Roos

The combat roll is not pretty like those in judo or aikido, but it just may end up saving you from serious injury.

Avoiding Excess Force: A True Story
By Prof. Gene Roos

In this story jujitsu not only proved to be very effective, but also avoided the perception of excess force that could have gotten the defender arrested along with the attacker.

Defeating the Football Tackle
By Prof. Gene Roos

While this attack can completely overwhelm a defender, it can also be easily countered.

The Rear-Fall Throw In Self Defense
By Prof. Gene Roos

Most assailants are unprepared for this type self-defense technique and it takes them totally by surprise.

Releasing The Arms To Counter A Front Bear Hug
By Prof. Gene Roos

Real life is often different from practice, and when students try to use what they have been taught in an actual attack, it often fails them at the moment they need it most.

Defending Against An Ice Pick Stab
By Prof. Gene Roos

Some knife defenses are safer than others and I prefer an approach that won?t get me killed.

Defending Against An Ice Pick Stab #2
By Prof. Gene Roos

Two more defenses against an ice pick attack illustrate the principle of avoidance.

Defense To A Bag Over The Head Attack From The Rear
By Prof. Gene Roos

Most people have no idea how to defend themselves against this type of surprise attack.

Releasing The Grip: Using Pressure Points To Assist In A Handcuffing
By Prof. Gene Roos

Restraining and getting physical compliance from an assailant doesn?t always require brute force if police officers know proper technique and use of pressure points.

The Controlled Flying Scissors Takedown
By Prof. Gene Roos

In a real self-defense situation a simple modification of the way this technique is executed can increase the chances that this takedown will be effective.

Mugging Attack: Always Look For An Opening
By Prof. Gene Roos

This defense is interesting because it illustrates that during an attack, even when the situation looks bad for the defender that the situation can often be turned into a success.

Grab And Downward Knife Attack
By Prof. Gene Roos

Although not the hallmark of a professional, the downward overhead strike with a fist, knife, bottle or club is often used by an emotionally charged person who lashes out to hurt or injure you.

Defense Against A Rear Bear Hug Attack - Part 1
By Prof. Gene Roos

This defense uses the attacker?s momentum to help him throw himself over your back.

On Your Back On The Ground: Turning A Punch Defense Into An Arm Lock
By Prof. Gene Roos

Here is one thing you can do if you are on the ground caught on your back by someone trying to punch your face into hamburger.

On Your Back On The Ground: Turning A Punch Defense Into A Knockout
By Prof. Gene Roos

In a fight if you find yourself on the ground on your back with the attacker to your side and trying to punch you in the face, here is one solution.

Two Wolves
By Prof. Gene Roos

This story illustrates the ongoing internal battle between good and evil.

Up Against The Wall - 2
By Prof. Gene Roos

If an attacker pushes you up against a wall from behind with one hand it is likely that he may try to hit you with his other hand. In this case it is critical to pivot to the outside, away from the potential strike.

The Quick Pistol Disarm: An Aiki-Jujitsu Method
By Prof. Gene Roos

The advantage of this method is that even a small and weak person can use it against a much larger stronger attacker.

Take Down Technique From A Wrist Grab
By Prof. Gene Roos

This surprising defense against a wrist grab was originally designed for a student with physical limitations but it might work for you too.

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