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Martial Arts: Street Stories, Self Defense,

Self Defense:
The Power of a Money Clip

Money Clip

By Christopher Caile

You can’t always defeat an attempted robbery, especially if there is a weapon involved. But if you use your mind, you certainly can minimize the consequences.

Metairie, Louisiana – A man in his late 70’s returning from a night theater rehearsal was robbed at gunpoint, but luckily the victim had enough forethought to minimize his loss.

Walking alone toward his car a male suddenly approached the victim from behind, grabbed him and put a knife to his throat.  “Give me your wallet, now.”

The victim replied, “I don’t carry a wallet, but I do have a money clip.” He then slowly reached into his pocket and extracted the clip and gave it to him. The money clip held approximately $40 dollars. That way the victim didn’t lose his credit cards, driver’s license and other important personal information, which the attacker didn’t know he had.

This is a simple precaution, but one that, if ever needed, could save you a lot of headache and problems. That’s why I call it the “Power Of A Money Clip.”

Acknowledgement: I want to thank Gene Roos for relaying the basics of this story to present to readers.

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About The Author:

Christopher Caile is founder and Editor of

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