Street Stories
Real life experiences on the street & in
the dojo
The 100 Year Old Surprise
By Christopher Caile
Most people would feel lucky just to live to be a hundred years old,
but few would expect to be able to take on and win over a gang of ruffians
who were intent on robbery.
UK resident Buster Martin also isn’t your typical centurion. He
still works as a car mechanic and washer. Leaving a pub one night this
February (2007) in Camberwell, south London, he was followed by a gang
of ruffians who had picked him as a target.
Pushing him against a wall, they demanded his money. Instead they got
a surprise. First, he got mad. Then he started kicking (apparently getting
to his feet from having fallen). He then pushed one and kicked another
in the groin.
They ran; he still had all his money.
Afterwards, Buster was able to walk to a nearby hospital where he was
treated for a bruised rib and a head injury. He still made it into work
the next day, said his boss Pimlico Plumbers.
Buster, commenting on the attack to a UK news souce, stated that the
attacker’s had been mistaken in thinking he was an easy target.
“They didn’t realize what a fighter I can be.”
The lessons from this encounter are two. The first lesson is that if
attacked, while you may feel scared, your attacker is usually nervous
and is fearful too. That is something you can exploit. The second lesson
is to never underestimate someone on the street.
If you have an interesting real life story that
you would like to share with our readers, please email it to us at:
About the Author:
Christopher Caile in the founder and Editor of