The Lighter Side
Stories, anecdotes and jokes from our readers that illustrate the
humorous side of the martial arts.
Think This One Over
Three karate students travel together to Chicago to train in their
organization's headquarters on Saturday. When they arrive in the city,
they go to the hotel to check in. They plan to share the same room.
The desk clerk quotes a rate of $30.00 for the night. They pay him and
go to their room.
But, then the clerk remembers there is a weekend special room rate
of $25.00 a night. Trying to correct the situation he gives five one
dollar bills to the bellboy to take to the guest's room. On the way
there, the bellboy says to himself, "three people can't divide
five dollars evenly between them," so he takes two dollars for
himself and when he gets to the room he gives each karate student a
one dollar refund. So, each of the karate students paid nine dollars.
But if each of the students paid nine dollars, together they paid $27
dollars and the worker kept two dollars for himself. That totals $29.00.
So where did the extra dollar go?
If you have an funny or humorous story, anecdote or joke related to
the martial arts that you think out readers might enjoy please send
it to us. Just use the form below: