Jujutsu: The Evolving Art
Part 2- Adjunct To Classical Weapon Systems
By Tom Ross & Christopher Caile
the historical development of jujutsu helps explain the wide diversity
of jujutsu systems. In Japan the warrior (military) class of samurai (bushi)
were usually highly skilled in the use of several weapons, and it was
through these weapons that the outcome of battle was decided, the most
common being the sword.
It is here, as an adjunct to swordsmanship, that techniques such as striking
with the butt handle of the weapon, using the elbows and even strategically
bumping an engaged opponent with the shoulder and torso entered into the
syllabus of many weapons systems as techniques onto themselves. Also included
were close quarter unarmed techniques and grappling methods, useful on
the battlefield against an armed opponent, or equally unarmed foe.
arts utilizing grappling had existed in Japan for centuries, as it had
in many cultures throughout the world. One system of Japanese unarmed
techniques was Sumai, that developed out of what we now know as Sumo.
It was more than merely a system of unarmed wrestling techniques, and
probably was similar to many mixed martial arts and no holds barred fighting
systems so popular today, as this account from the Nihon Shoki ("Chronicles
of Japan," an historical record commissioned by the imperial family
in 720 A.D.) demonstrates:
"It is recorded during the reign of the emperor
Suinin in the year 23 B.C. Taema no Kuehaya (who was described as a
noble of great strength and stature) fought Nomi no Sukune of Izumo
province. During the course of this ferocious battle Nomi delivered
a monstrous kick to the ribs of Taema (breaking them) and knocking him
down. Nomi then finished him with a bone crushing stomp on Taema's hip.
An injury Taema would die from a day later." (1)
In the interm sumo played no small part played no small part in the martial
development of Japan, and eventually received imperial patronage (during
the Nara period 710 to 794 A.D.). Although many of its techniques were
be known by imperial officials and military men, Sumai was not the type
of combat method which directly lent itself to deal with the rapidly evolving
and improving methods of combat, such as the armored sword wielding adversary.
It did, however, likely provide a suitable platform for modification,
and no doubt inspired the art of Yoroi Kumi Uchi (grappling in armor).
Heavily armored Samurai were somewhat restricted
in mobility and speed of foot movement. Also they were virtually
impervious to weaponless strikes since armor covered virtually their
whole body. Empty hand jujutsu techniques were restricted to grappling,
pushing, tripping and throwing, although some systems did practice
empty hand strikes to specific areas that were not well protected
by armor, such as under the arms. Samurais were also sometimes trained
in intercepting weapon strikes and in the use of small weapons.
The later could often pierce armor or be aimed between small gaps
in armor.
Yoroi Kumi Uchi is a general term that applies to the various arts used
by the Samurai whenever he found himself unable to use his primary weapon.
This is not to say that without his primary weapon the samurai was unarmed,
for many techniques existed within the repertoire for restraining or immobilizing
an individual in preparation for a "Coup de Grace" to an appropriate
weak point, and usually delivered by a secondary weapon such as the Yoroi
Doshi (armor piercing dagger).
(1) The reign of Suinen was from 29 B.C. to 70