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We would like to take a moment to thank many special people whose efforts have contributed to the success of

George Donahue

One of the most knowledgeable martial
artists I have known, whose advice, ideas
and contacts helped us significantly to expand the content available to our viewers.

Tom Ross

A knowledgeable, sincere and selfless
karate-ka whose research efforts,
contributions and articles far exceeded
our greatest expectations.

David Barnum

An innovative and creative graphic artist
and web site designer, as well as a friend and martial artist, who has provided ongoing assistance with the site's overall design, logo, martial arts figure icons and more.

Laura Seuschek

An Art Director at a and martial artist whose amazing sense of color and design greatly contributed to our design efforts.

Ben Argueta
A graphic designer and karate-ka whose knowledge of web design and layout helped us complete our magazine section and navigation strategy.

Sarah Mahoney

An editor of a top women's magazine and martial artist whose invaluable advice guided us in selecting our content and subject matter and helped us to expand our approach.

Joey Docil

A martial artist and gifted cartoonist who combined these skills to contribute drawings to our effort.

Oscar Ratti

A truly gifted artist, friend and noted martial arts author who ceaselessly consulted with us and inspired us with his concepts of movement and action underlying the martial arts



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