Religion, Philosophy, and the Martial Arts
By Christopher Caile
A remarkable man, part mystic and part guru who ventured far distances from India to China to teach and is now recognized as having originated Zen Buddhism.
By FightingArts Staff
The Indian mystic named Guatama Siddhartha who founded Buddhism after leaving his noble life as son of a Prince in the Skaya clan (Northern India) at age 29 to search for truth.
By FightingArts Staff
Buddhism is the doctrine preached by Buddha and its later developments.
Ch'an Buddhism
By FightingArts Staff
Ch'an is a Chinese term for a sect of meditative Buddhist (later called Zen in Japan) traced to an Indian monk, Bodhidharma.
By Christopher Caile
Confucianism was central to Asian cultures which spawned Karate, Japanese classical and modern martial arts as well as Chinese martial arts. While it had little direct effect on technique itself, it did provide a framework for the philosophy and operational exercise of many arts.
By Christopher Caile
Taoism is a system of Chinese belief based on the teachings of Lao-Tsu (Tao Te Ching) and others, notably Chung Tzu, dating from the 6th Century B.C.
Fudo Myo-o
By FightingArts Staff
The deity symbolizes the mind that does not move, or the body that is not unsettled even when surrounded by danger.
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