The Rear-Fall Throw In Self-Defense
By Prof. Gene Roos
If an attacker is pushing you with one or two hands, you can grab the
attacker’s shirt, jacket or upper arms and pull him toward you as
you do a controlled fall backwards and throw him over your head. Most
assailants are unprepared for this type technique and it takes them totally
by surprise.
Attacker grabs
defender and defender does the same. |
Defenders left
foot arc steps, squats and pulls the attacker forward at 45 degrees
to the left. |
The defender places
his right foot on the attacker's left hip. |
Defender swings
his body to the right under the attacker, extends his right leg
and turns his hands like a steering wheel to the left. |
As the attacker
is falling, the defender's left leg hits the attacker's right thigh. |
This spins the attacker to a side fall.
This controlled rear-fall throw is known as “Tomeoe-nage”
in judo. Here I illustrate the throw and how it is performed in judo when
two opponents have grasped each other’s uniforms in practice or
in competition, but the throw was adopted from earlier jujutsu systems
which used this technique for self-defense.
Note that the second step (where the defender’s left foot arc steps,
squats and pulls the attacker forward at 45 degrees to the left) is an
extra move for training purposes.
If the defender (male beginner) brings his right foot up and places it
on the attacker’s left hip, there is a good chance that the attacker
will be kicked in the groin by accident. Because of the different hip structure
of the female (beginner), the bringing up of the leg and hitting the groin
is lessened. In a combat situation, however, you are not concerned if you
strike (with your foot) the attacker’s groin.
This throw is also useful in the event that an attacker facing you is
able to pull your head down in order to get you in a neck lock. In this
event you sink down underneath him to throw him over your head.
About the Author:
Prof. Gene Roos, 9th dan Ju Jitsu, and 4th dan in judo, is a member of
the Board of Directors for the America Ju Jitsu Association. In 1958 was
awarded Shodan (Judo) and won the Regional Judo Champion. In 1958 &
1959 was Judo State Champion. His instructors include: Harold Brosious
(Ketsugo), Dennis Palumbo (Hakko Ryu Ju Jitsu, 8th Dan), George Kirby,
& Shizuya Sato (Ju Jitsu), Wally Jay (Small Circle Ju Jitsu), Dr.
Sacharnoski (Hard Style Ju Jitsu & Ki) and Master Mochizuki (a student
of Funakoshi, Kano, & Ueshiba). He is also the author of a series
of upcoming books on Aiki jujitsu as well as a number of videos including:
"Aiki Jujitsu" (a three video tapes series with manuals); "Deadly
Attacks" (defense against 30 knife, gun, stick and empty hand attacks);
"Deadly Attacks- part II" (defense against an additional 30
knife, gun and empty hand attacks); "Deadly Attacks III" and
"Devastating Throws and Other Deadly Attacks " (defense against
30 advanced combat throws, knife attacks, stick, and a rear shotgun attack),
For more information see: |