Pumping up?

Posted by: Anonymous

Pumping up? - 12/09/04 10:25 AM

Does anyone have any tips/suggestions about getting "pumped up" before sparring, boxing, ETC? I prefer either Red Bull or hard, screaming rock. This may be a stupid thread, but...It could have applications on the street.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pumping up? - 12/09/04 11:28 AM

yea, i always crack open a red bull before someone jumps me in a dark alley. really gets the blood flowing.

what are you talking about applications on the street? if you need a stimulant or whatever else to get the adrenaline and blood flowing when presented with a real and dangerous fight situation then you need to see a doctor.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pumping up? - 12/13/04 03:03 AM

there are many meditation technices that can help and no i am not talking about siting down and meditating in a dark ally, but if you whould do a little reseacrh i am shure you could find some more info
Posted by: Chen Zen

Re: Pumping up? - 12/20/04 08:40 PM

Think of the worst, toughest opponent you have ever had. Think of every detail of the fight. Concentrate on it so that you can nearly smell the opponents breathe. Think about the blows traded. This should bring about plenty of adrenal response for the mat.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Pumping up? - 12/25/04 08:41 PM

This probably isn't the correct forum for this topic but oh well, can't hurt =)

I like to watch some old Kung Fu movies and drink my homemade lemonade throughout practice. Four tablespoons lemom joice, four tablespoons maple serup in a quart of water. Maple serup contains loads of complex sugars, fantastic for keeping you fresh through hours of hard training without food. The lemon is really just there for training and the water should be obvious.

It's all attitude. When you hear people talking about Ki or Chi they're just talking about attitude. Mindset, emotions, attitude. Learning how to manipulate the subleties of your mind and body is very important in martial arts.