Ashi Barai

Posted by: robertdeniro

Ashi Barai - 12/30/02 06:12 AM

I believe the Ashi Barai (Leg sweep) is an often underestimated technique.However,in a street fight (as in the Dojo)it would probably be one of the safest and most effective of the kicking techniques one could use.It also has devastating results.Once your opponent is floored you should be in a very strong position to dictate the outcome of your exchange.
In light of the fact that there has been a call for users of the discussion board to announce their grade and experience,I am a 38 year old shodan black belt in Shotokan Karate.I have been for nearly two years(I'm thinking of going for my nidan grade in may) and I have trained for a total of eight years.I came back to Karate after initially doing it for a year in my leate teens.I have been in one or two punch ups,but that was before I took up Karate again.I would say,however,that even my one year of training served me well as it gave me quite a lot of confidence and taught me how to punch.I always remember one incident when a rather large drunk man and his friend accosted me in the street and tried to start a fight for no reason.Prior to my training I would hhave probably been a jibbering wreck,but this time something in me clicked and I went into auto.I realized the big guy was going to hit me,no matter how much I tried to plead with him or his mate,so I simply punched him on the nose with an Oi zuki (stepping pucnh)and he dropped.I then took flight and scarpered.I wasn't going to hang around to admire my handywork.I'd be interested to know everyone else's martial arts experience,style and grade.
Posted by: Cato

Re: Ashi Barai - 12/30/02 09:57 AM

Okay, as we should practice what we preach, here's a synopsis of my training:

I'm a 37yr. old police officer, and I have been training in MA's for about 15 years. I have trained in Wado Ryu karate, Taiho jutsu (police self defence), Wing Chun kung fu, kempo ju jutsu, an early style of aikido called aikibudo, Iaido, a traditional style of aiki jutsu (kogusoku), Juko Ryu ju jutsu and, more recently, Judo. Obviously many of these arts are quite similar.

For the record, I hold dan grades in aikibudo and aiki jutsu. I have kyu grades in the others (except Wing Chun, of course.)

Currently I am becomning more and more interested in kyusho techniques and I have looked at Hakko ryu jujutsu and would like to find an authentic Ryukyu kempo and/or kyusho jutsu instructor.

I also like ashi barai as a technique, although I suspect I do it slightly differently to a kareteka. But I think my personal favourite take down would have to be O'soto gari. (Typical bloody grappler, eh)

So, that's me. Anybody else feel like sharing?

Posted by: senseilou

Re: Ashi Barai - 12/30/02 01:11 PM

Ooops someone opened the flood gates. let me do some housekeeping first. Sweeps by whatever name we call them, ashi barai, basami, dragon sweep, O'Soto geri, I believe are very effective, especially on the street where you can use your shoes as well. When we sweep we actually use a heel kick, no matter where we chose to sweep. Between my Karate training, and jujutsu training, I have quite a few sweeps, some with more judo flavor than others. If practiced I think that sweeps are good techniques, and can be added to other techniques, example a wrist lock and a sweep together.
Note to Cato, be careful about who you train in Hakko Ryu Jujutsu with. There are some very good practitioners out there but there are some that broke away and started doing their own thing. Also don't know where you are, but back east, the Nick Cerio Kempo organization has Hakko Ryu in their curriculum, as Professor Cerio studied Hakko Ryu. Also in Florida, Soke Harris Warren teaches good solid Hakko Ryu. There is a Shihan in L.A. I believe, Shihan Miller and he is very nice and quite good. If you need any of these I may have a e-mail address. However beware and watch 'how' the Sensei conducts class. I trained with one who sat on a bench and had his students do everything, he would call out the technique and a Brown belt or blue belt would demonstrate, never saw him do 1 technique the entire time I was there, so beware. Also The Main shihan here is Dennis Polumbo and he is in Colorado.

As for me, which I don't like to talk much about, I have studied almost 30 years. My son and I have trained together for 17 years, and my daughter joined us for 11 years. Currently we are direct students of Soke Frank Sanchez of San Jitsu Ryu, which we have Dan Ranking in. We also study Okinawan Karate(Shuri/Shito Ryu) which we also have Dan Ranking in. Our heart lies in our Jujutsu and Torite(joint locking mainly from Kata)in which we study Goshin Budo Jujutsu which we have Dan Ranking in, Sanuces, Danzan Ryu and V-Arnis Jutsu which we don't have Dan ranking in but accent our training in these Arts. We studied Aikido and have a Shodan in this, but do not practice the Aiki arts much. Currently we are working on the Hawaiian arts of Lua, Kajukembo and Lima Lama. we have no intention of getting ranking in these but are studying the arts. Eagle Claw Chin Na is something that we are currently working into what we do, and our Sensei studied this as well. we are active in the Martial Arts Collectice Society, and the San Jitsu Federation, as well as The World Family Sokeship council. As you can see, my studies are varied. I was told once, study 1 art in depth, research others. I got carried away with the research. So I have 1 Karate art in depth, a couple Jujutsu in depth, and the rest is research. Thats it for me
Posted by: martial_life

Re: Ashi Barai - 01/09/03 09:29 PM

I haev not yet got around to a good leg sweep yet, i am raising my level of capability(for lack of a better word) most other parts of the ways I train.
Since we're on it, I am 17 years old, 5'9" Mexican-American of decent build but rather flexible by most terms(but not my MA terms). The only reason i onclude my "ethnic" group is becaus ei currently live in South Dakota, a place almost completely populated by ppl that are"white". That doesn't bother me, btu it bothers many of the local ppl. I haev been training in various martial arts and fightign arts ,for 5 years, including tae kwon do(only to my yellow belt), hand-to-hand combat, am studying grappling, and now train in Jeet Kune Do. I have also practised knife fighting and fighting with sticks and staff. I have decent experience in fighting (but little in MA's) due to the fact that i was in a gang(very stupid of me) from 15 to 17. Got on plenty of fights but for all the wrong reasons.