Ki manual

Posted by: Anonymous

Ki manual - 02/07/05 04:34 PM

Hello everybody. I wanted to write in a opened topic, but all of those I found were closed.
I'm a belgian. Since I'm a child, I'm fan of DBZ. And I'm proud of being it. 6 months ago, I decided to make researches about Ki blast, Ki shield, etc. I found the Ki dojo manual, which was for me a treasure. I fully read it, and even translated it for friends who I wanted to practice with me. I applied everything written in this manual. You can say what you want, but however I can't do ki balls, I can sense Ki in my hands. All the symptoms are there : My hands are warm, and they seems to be magnetics. When I want to join them, it's impossible, as if something is standing between them. I want to know : If it isn't Ki, what's it ? I tell the truth.
I wanted also to tell Skullkid that he deceive me. I thrusted you. But, as what you said seems to be working, I'll go on. Mind power is unbelieveable. Just want what you want. I did so, and now I think I'll be soon able to do Ki balls. Maybe I'm wrong, and it will take severall years, but nobody will stop me. I chosed Ki way, and I'll ride it.
Dont forget to answer my question (if it isn't Ki, what's it ?). Good bye. See you soon.

[This message has been edited by SMB64 (edited 02-07-2005).]
Posted by: laf7773

Re: Ki manual - 02/07/05 09:11 PM

Those threads were closed for a reason. This is NOT the place for this discussion. There is no debating this.