my experience

Posted by: Anonymous

my experience - 05/14/04 01:32 PM

中国气功的真谛只有修持得道者才能真正体悟,但苦于鱼珠混杂、真伪难辨,一些滥竽充数的气功人湮没了气功的真面孔。我也潜心研习多种功法,亲身尝试和调候功力效果,甚得要义。修持后的功法确实 可固本还元、驻容养颜、健身益智、开发潜能,能否延年益寿因本人尚年轻还无从验证,但就其在精、气、神增益方面的惊人效果来看非常乐观,本人已至“三花聚顶”的功境。呼吁同仁饮水思源,作个负 责的气功人,维护清泉润泽大家。

The practice of chinese chikong can heal deficits in your body , strongthen your physical ability,improve health,develop talents and make your life defferent from now on.Maybe,you will live a long and happy life that i can not offer some evidence to show you it is true,for i am not old enough to experience the desired effect.

Three steps are necessary to archieve the amazing chikong effects,but it is easy to conduct the unique practical motheds.chikong DAN is guaranteed to reform your body entirely.

It is a big trouble that too many fake qigong persons who have no responsibility confused all , even cherished qigong will be ignored unfortunitely.

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: my experience - 05/14/04 01:36 PM

what does the first bit mean?

And do tell of the 3 steps!