
Posted by: Scholar

Mudras - 03/26/03 05:44 PM

I recently saw a site that uses the hand forms/position during Standing meditation! I knew of them sitting. In my quest for a unified energy system , A Big Question: Which mudras correspond to which channel ? This will provide me with a shortcut instead of trying to get specific postures. The idea is to combine Horse Stance with sound vibration, with correct Mudra,with color visualation, correct "facing orientation", Buddhist then Reverse Taoist breathing and likewise from seated Zazen using it. Any help? I posted for example in "Check it out" of a research source if you manually input the Full address.
Posted by: NYCRonin

Re: Mudras - 04/30/03 04:23 AM

Ah, such a beautiful tree, is it not? Where is the forest my friend...for we cannot see it!
Posted by: Scholar

Re: Mudras - 04/30/03 11:45 AM

Yes, A QiGong master has pointed this out of not seeing the forest for the trees (Direct Approach), whereas a Tai Chi Master points out the opposite, that it is too dangerous, without a Master, to pursue these methods, because they are, of themselves too powerful without guidance. I feel lucky that they share their thoughts. My conclusion is to gratefully learn the direct approach for QiGong, and practice Bagua basics on my own without advanced add on components, until I can afford to train in it as my son does with instruction (Too much to afford)
Posted by: Reiki

Re: Mudras - 04/30/03 05:35 PM

Notes from Qui gong master that we learnt from :

Earth - yellow - sound Hurr
direction - centre, astral - Saturn
Strengthens ki in stomach, spleeen & meridiens,

Metal - white - Shee
West, Venus
Lung & lower intestine

Water - blue/black - Choo
North, Mercury
Bladder & kidney

Wood - green - Shoo or Shuu
East, Jupiter
gall bladder & liver

Fire - red - Ho
South, Mars
Heart, sm intestine, triple warmer, pericardium

I am assuming u know the appropriate hand/body/leg positions & the breathing for these.... If not say so and I will send to you.

Do in sets of 18 [or 9/side for ones that are L or R oriented] starting with Earth and only do them in this order of creation that I have given above.

I'm not very experienced with Qui gong myself yet [I only been doing it for a year] but have noticed a huge increase in energy when doing these sets.

We used a diagnostic machine to measure flow of ki in meriediens before/after morning Qui gong, I was one of the guineapigs for this, the results were frankly astomishing. An overall increase of 60% in mine and much more for a Qui gong master.

U can also increase ki & overall energy levels by doing all your kata regularly. Particularly Sanchin, Naihunchin and Tensho. I find also after doing Bo kata that my energy levels are soaring!

Posted by: Scholar

Re: Mudras - 04/30/03 10:48 PM

Reiki, Please, I am interested in the appropriate hand/body/leg positions and which breathing for these.
Per prior warning of Tai Chi Master, do you know if any other cautions apply? I noted you stated to do in correct order.
Per prior scientific interest of QiGong master; In terms of a diagnostic machine, if it's O.K., what was the machine and what did it measure? Thank You
P.S. My mother practices Reiki
P.S.S. I'll be happy to share what my research has turned up. You are welcome to contact me directly by E-Mail address using icon above,and if better, my address for postal delivery can be provided and I'd be happy to cover the postage.
Posted by: Reiki

Re: Mudras - 05/04/03 08:54 PM

check your email, I sent u a copy of my notes...

Posted by: malanr

Re: Mudras - 06/16/03 03:52 PM


I would like to have the positions too. Please contact me.
