Too many opinions

Posted by: zanshi

Too many opinions - 09/07/05 02:44 PM

Hey all, I am going to be starting Tai Chi classes at a local college in december, and I've been reading up on it wanting to know what i'm getting myself into. Every article/website i've found gives me a different definition of "chi". I've heard that it is your "life energy", your "spirit energy", and even that it is the energy that permiates the universe. But i've also heard that it is nothing more than your central nervouse system, or that it's really just your "bioelectric" energy produced by the body, and building it up is really nothing more than developing good proprioception ("body feel").
Can anyone clear this up for me? Is there any creedance to the bioelecric theory, or is it just us "ignorant westerners" trying to explain something that we don't yet understand?
Appreciate the help.
Posted by: LastGURU

Re: Too many opinions - 09/07/05 04:02 PM

It's us, ignorant Westerners that have messed up this stuff, i think. there are some different words for different things that sometimes are mixed up - there is Jing (energy of your body), Chi (life force) and Shen (spirit). To form a better understanding of these terms, it is best to buy the three books on Tao of Jou Tsung Hwa (just put his name in Google - the three are unfortunately the only books of his). feel free to ask more particular questions, i was just too lazy to write a general article for you
Posted by: Fisherman

Re: Too many opinions - 09/07/05 04:09 PM

IMO - if you want this question answered you have to experience qi for yourself.
If you begin Tai Chi with a preconcieved notion of what you think qi is, then you may hinder your progress in the long run.
Your best bet is to start taking Tai Chi classes before you fill your heads with ideas.
Posted by: malanr116

Re: Too many opinions - 09/07/05 04:19 PM

Ok, here we go.

Before anyone else comments on this, i will tell you that you have asked a loaded question with this post.

Before i tell you what the general "believers" definition is, i will tell you that there are believers and non-believers of Chi, or Ki. Some people think that chi is NOT, and is fake or non-existent.

Then you get the people that think that they can make in-animate objects move, or levitate... you get my drift.

OK, what is CHI? Chi is "life force" or "electricity" in the body and all living objects. The reason Chi has so many definitions is because there is no one word in the english dictionary that fully translates from the Chinese or Japanese words for Chi. If you want to read more about chi, look up a Chi-gung, or Chinese Medicine healing book, they can explain it pretty good.

I guess the best thing to do would be to listen to your instructor and experience Chi or Ki for yourself. Oh, and don't feel put off if someone tells you that chi is BS or nonsense and you are an idiot for believing it.
