how to meditate

Posted by: Anonymous

how to meditate - 12/26/04 07:59 AM

ok, this might sound stupid but i am wondering how to acutally meditate. i always see the crap about crossing ur legs and humming and know thats just stupid..

how would i go about meditating?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: how to meditate - 12/27/04 06:00 AM

Sit in Seiza or in fudoza (back against a wall is okay for beginners) and begin the meditation by closing your eyes and taking in a deep breath through your nose. Let this breath be deep and fill up your belly. When the breath reaches the bottom open your mouth and allow the breath to just fall out without any force. Repeat this several times until your mind and body become more relaxed and integration begins to happen. At this point raise your eyes (still closed) so they are looking up at a 45% angle as if you are looking out the very center of your forehead. Clear all other thoughts from your mind by imagining a 1" shaft of pure white light coming up through the center of your body from the base of your tailbone all the way up to the top crown of your head. Breathe into this shaft of light for a few minutes and then expand the light outward from the shaft core in all directions at the same time by using your breath as the catalyst until the light extends about a foot past your physical body. Take another deep breath, holding the breath for a count of 8. Then release out the mouth any tension or stress in your being. Take a second deep breath holding for the count of 16, releasing it out the mouth with any un-supporting thoughts. Take a third deep breath holding for a count of 32, releasing out the mouth, cleansing the spirit. Now breathe naturally and continue to use light and breath to push out of you any unwanted energy or thoughts mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually. You can use some relaxing music to enhance your state of meditation. Carry this heart space throughout your day. Claim this (inner) space in the universe as your own, living your vision with good purpose. now this isnt timed so you can do it for as long as you feel,can be from 20 too 3 hours if you wanted.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: how to meditate - 12/27/04 10:47 PM

thanks for the reply