How big is your seiza bench?

Posted by: Jessero

How big is your seiza bench? - 11/07/05 01:37 PM

Hi, I am planning on making my own seiza bench. I found a page with dimensions on it, here:

Here. and here is a diagram

My questions to you all is have any of you made one before? Also are the dimesnions they give similar to yours and do you think the size on the diagram would fit a 6' 180 lb man well?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Posted by: Ed_Morris

Re: How big is your seiza bench? - 11/07/05 03:56 PM

The bigger, more comfortable a meditation seat is...the more likely your mind will be to fall asleep.

The less comfortable your are, the more likely your legs or feet will fall asleep.

either way, maybe meditating for less time per sitting is the answer, instead of having to make furniture. just a thought.
Posted by: Jessero

Re: How big is your seiza bench? - 11/07/05 08:37 PM

How long do you normally sit for?
Posted by: Ed_Morris

Re: How big is your seiza bench? - 11/08/05 08:57 AM

I used to (years ago) meditate anywhere between 30min to an hour at a time. sometimes in seiza. sometimes in anza.
Now I meditate for about 5 minutes or less in seiza. approx three times a week. I might just relax my breathing and slow my heart or visualize a kata/technique...or on rare occations, I don't think anything. I don't decide on something prior to sitting.

The reason for the change in amount of time I put into meditation is simply because I get the most out of it during the first 5 minutes or less. anything more and it feels like I'm forcing myself to 'do' something.

everyone is different. meditation is personal and you will find it helps you in some ways that others don't identify with. do your own thing. if a bench enables you, then use it. for me, kneeling on a bench, sitting in a chair, or using a seiza bench interfers with lowering my breathing to my abdomen.