Possibly the greatest threat to YOUR wellbeing

Posted by: Leo_E_49

Possibly the greatest threat to YOUR wellbeing - 06/14/07 10:40 AM

A little trade commission I recently found out about called Codex Alimentarius which threatens us with widespread malnourishment after the year 2009. It could be the greatest threat to your freedom to life ever devised. Here's a video by www.healthfreedomusa.org about Codex and what it means to YOU:

Part 1: http://youtube.com/watch?v=VmrF9KjlGsc
Part 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=uEqB41Ow0vU&mode=related&search=
Part 3: http://youtube.com/watch?v=fkAvFhTjU-M&mode=related&search=
Part 4: http://youtube.com/watch?v=LJgHXHCNPvI&mode=related&search=
Part 5: http://youtube.com/watch?v=GKLDRf1XdgA&mode=related&search=

This is a very real danger which YOU should at least know about. You people over there in the USA can do something about this by visiting www.healthfreedomusa.org and petitioning your government to adopt the modified Codex Alimentarius guidelines for your country. Or not, it's your choice but I would advise you all to at least become informed about this hidden threat to our way of life today. It's not much of a bother and it will not only affect you but your children and grandchildren.

Do yourself a favour and watch the videos, whatever country you live in. This affects every person in the world. Do your own research if you're a skeptic, even if you don't believe in this stuff, you would do well to educate yourself about it.
Posted by: Raul Perez

Re: Possibly the greatest threat to YOUR wellbeing - 06/29/07 06:40 PM

serious stuff there. I just signed the petition at Freehealthusa.org
Posted by: Leo_E_49

Re: Possibly the greatest threat to YOUR wellbeing - 06/29/07 07:07 PM

Something to note, I've done my research and it's not as bad as she says. It's still bad though.

1. POPs are reintroduced as a result of Codex Alimentarius. This is a fact, which you can check yourself. This is VERY bad. Persistent organic pollutants are the last thing I want in my food. It's almost as bad as spraying crops with liquid mercury.

2. The vitamins and mineral contents of "supplements" are incredibly low when toxicity studies are used for guidelines; sometimes 1/100th of the current RDAs in the US and the UK. The Codex does stipulate, however, that most vitamins and minerals should be ingested in a healthy balanced diet. The point of supplements, however, is to provide for any lack in a diet and it is misleading to consumers to put in such low contents. Also there is ambiguity about the meaning of the phrase "food supplement" and whether this applies to high nutrient value aid food for third world countries.

3. The figure of 3 billion dead is a complete exaggeration. After checking the relevant WHO and FAO reports, I can't even come close to that figure. This is clearly untrue or greatly exaggerated.
Posted by: Hapkid0ist

Re: Possibly the greatest threat to YOUR wellbeing - 06/30/07 03:21 AM

I would say 3 billion dead is more of a scare tactic.
Posted by: Leo_E_49

Re: Possibly the greatest threat to YOUR wellbeing - 07/02/07 01:11 PM

Probably correct, there could be a lot of deaths, depending on whether the definition of "supplement" includes aid food; but nowhere near 3 billion.