Muhammad Ali's reaction?

Posted by: SLW

Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 10/23/07 01:13 PM

If let's say multiple opponents about 11 were carrying iron pipes and machetes how would he have reacted?Okay maybe since there were too many he might have ran anyway which is actually a logical action.

But what about 5 opponents and 3 of them were big sized?I respect and admire Muhammad Ali's skill for taking out some taller and obviously-longer armed opponents in the ring so I'm curious as to how he would have dealt with multiple opponents outside the ring who might hate him for some reason.If he knocks the first one out with a heavy blow to the head, how will he deal with four rushing in at him at the same time? Does any muhammad ali expert here know about his history here if he could knock out four opponents in one go?
Posted by: shadowkahn

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 10/23/07 02:37 PM

huh? no, he couldn't. And if one person came at him with a lead pipe and he was foolish enough to fight them, he'd probably lose. Ali was not invincible. Ali wasn't even a street fighter. He was a boxer. He put on big goofy looking gloves and participated in highly ritualized fighting that had lots and lots of rules and a clearly defined fighting area.

You can't rope-a-dope and wait for your attacker to get tired in a real fight.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 10/23/07 02:39 PM

The greatest skill Ali ever showed was making people love him. He came to prominance at a time of great civil unrest, he spoke the words of Islam whilst Malcom X was being assasinated, he made america love him at a time when many blacks were not allowed to eat in certain restaurants because of their colour. He refused to go to Vietnam, and outraged the man in the streets of his country, only to be forgiven and loved even more 5 years later as his country looked back and decided he was right. He had charm, he had the ability to love and share with everyone.

How would he have coped with multiple attackers? he would have spoken to them, joked with them, suggested they go for a drink, and within a couple of minutes they would have been on the guest list for his next fight and have jobs at his ranch and been his friends for life.
Posted by: Stormdragon

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 10/23/07 05:36 PM

Nah he woulda got them to drink it up and then beat their drunk asses silly!
Posted by: SLW

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 10/24/07 12:26 AM

Hm.My bad. Anyway, is there such thing as a real trained boxer being able to take on a limit of 3 opponents rushing in at the same time by correct timing and punching each opponent one by one quickly?

Maybe not i think but what is it that is thought in boxing gyms on how to take on multiple opponents?I don't know cause I haven't been in one before.
Posted by: Taison

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 10/24/07 01:39 AM


are you serious?

Boxing gyms are there to teach you BOXING. Not self-defence. If you want to learn self-defence go do some 'self-defense' oriented arts like hapkido or krav maga.


is there such thing as a real trained boxer being able to take on a limit of 3 opponents rushing in at the same time by correct timing and punching each opponent one by one quickly?

No. Unless he was in the Marine or Army, had a big assault rifle, then yes, most likely.

I think it's time you go to a boxing gym if you haven't been in one before.

You think the coaches there wants to teach you self-defence? It's already quite difficult to get them to teach them boxing for other purposes such as MMA, let's not get into self-defence.

-Taison out
Posted by: trevek

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 12/11/07 04:24 PM

Funny, I recall reading a quote from Jack Dempsey that, "too many trainers forget, boxing is about teaching a fellow to defend himself with his fists"
Posted by: Taison

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 12/14/07 01:41 AM

No, Trevek. Seriously, most boxing gyms these day is more likely to be sport oriented. You will notice a lot of boxers are skilled, but remove them gloves and they may end up like Tyson did, breaking his wrists.

Boxing's a good background for MA, and it's one of the simplest and most effective, but it isn't the coach's duty to teach you to defend yourself on the street, only in the ring.

Sorry for the late reply. It might take a while before I can reply again, so please go ahead and do a lengthy post.

-Taison out
Posted by: trevek

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 12/14/07 12:19 PM

I know, Taison. I think Dempsey also made the poin that even in his day too many coaches saw solely for winning prizes and medals, now, as he said, for defending oneself.
Posted by: Taison

Re: Muhammad Ali's reaction? - 12/20/07 12:00 AM

Well during Dempsey's days, if you said you wanted to box just for self-defence, they would stare at you and let out a big laughter.

Unless you're Irish.

-Taison out