Training Protection

Posted by: BuDoc

Training Protection - 06/30/05 05:09 PM

When I first started BJJ, I found out really quickly about the need to wear a cup. With all that thrashing around, it doesn't take much for "knee on stomach" mount to become "knee on junk"

I have noticed a trend though. More and more fellows at my school are wearing headgear(plastic ones that protect the ears)and mouthguards.

I have been to a couple of BJJ competitons in the last 6 months. As a spectator. I have not noticed anyone in the competitons wearing headgear or mouthguards.

Is it really necessary in training? Are they forbidden by rules in contests? For my long term protection should I invest in both?

Any responses are appreciated.

Posted by: butterfly

Re: Training Protection - 06/30/05 05:19 PM


Headgear will become somewhat of a necessity to retain that shapely ear cartilage of yours, if you practice for any length of time. I practice moderately and my lobes both north and south are in good order.

However, I have had knees to the Olsen Twins a time or two when I got swept and mounted. Up to you per a cup.

Better ask some of the bigger, badder asses such a Fletch and John how they and their students proceed.

Posted by: BuDoc

Re: Training Protection - 06/30/05 05:57 PM

Thanks Butterfly. LOL Olsen Twins

So far I have noticed no cauliflower ear myself, or most of the others I train with.

I wonder if it is less of a BJJ situation,and more of a MMA thing.

I am hoping Kogas and/or Fletch way in on this, But it is always nice to hear your point of view.

Posted by: butterfly

Re: Training Protection - 06/30/05 06:13 PM


I have had my head crushed a few times in locks and tried to slip out, bruised the ears but didn't do severe damage. A couple of buddies of mine after about 4-5 months got cauliflower ears.

Its kind of funny when you see other guys flick'n 'em. But it must hurt like hell at the reactions to some of the more moderate touches.

From what I have noticed, you got about two chances to have the cartillage somewhat damaged and be able to repair itself to a semblance of what it was. But the third time's a charm....looks painful as all hell though.

Posted by: JKogas

Re: Training Protection - 07/01/05 10:08 PM

I have over the past 10 years, used a cup about 4 or 5 times. When I began training with my first coach, we never wore one and just sort of "learned" how to avoid taking shots. That didn't mean that it didn't occassionally happen, but we just sort of toughened up. I really don't know how to explain it.

Years later, I rarely take a shot to the jewels. And it doesn't matter whom I am rolling with either. Could be all out or going light, I never am in the position anymore where that becomes a problem and this is even when in half guard.

Now I DO like wearing a mouthpiece. Especially when wrestling from the clinch to the ground. In the clinch you can get popped quite a bit. On the ground, the mouthpiece comes into play when guys are in cross-sides and are driving their shoulder into my jaw to prevent my turning back into them to recover guard. You're REALLY happy to be wearing one in those circumstances.

Really, I don't use a lot in the way of protection. Even after all these years, I still don't have cauliflower ears.

I'm ugly enough...perhaps that's God's way of sparring me further torment, lol
