Combat Conditioning Book

Posted by: Anonymous

Combat Conditioning Book - 11/28/04 07:03 AM

Is someone out there following Matt Furey's exercices? What's your impressions? I'd like to discuss about this with all of you
Posted by: MikeMartial

Re: Combat Conditioning Book - 11/29/04 09:15 PM

I bought the book a few months back, but have yet to incorporate any of the movements into my workouts.

I'd have to say, as a mini-review, I'd give it a 3 out of 5. Matt presents his workout in a very enthusiastic manner; it's an easy, EASY read, with a ton of photos.

One main problem I had: While he pushes this workout as THEE workout, he doesn't really back it up with anything but anecdotal evidence, at best. Plus, he also slams other forms of workouts as being "not effective" and "A total waste of time". I have a hard time thinking that any resistance-ratining program is a waste of time to ANY martial artist.

His "Royal Court", which is composed of"
1) Hindu Squats
2) Hindu push-ups
3) Back Bridges

While all interesting, I found hindu squats to be fairly boring and easy; after doing 150 my first time, I was a bit sore the next day in the calf area, but this doesn't really hit a lot of muscle fibers.

Hindu push ups (AKA dive bomber push ups) were a "neat" variation of the standard, and I did notice some back/trap involvment the next day.

Back bridges are by far the best thing this book has to offer. While I didn't try (and wouldn't recommend) trying this on your head and rolling over to your nose, holding a back bridge for any length of time DOES require some conditioning. We do this at our TKD school, but not for any decent length of time, IMO.

My bottom line: Matt Furey is a top-notch salesman, I'm assuming an excellent martial artist, but his training regime is just so-so.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Combat Conditioning Book - 11/30/04 02:46 AM

I think that the R.C. is good, expecially the Hindu Squats. I've gained a lot of endurance with them and I hope they built lean mass in the legs 'cause It's the only direct exercise I practice with the Hindu Jumpers (80/20 format, 70/30 next step). I've found Dive-Bomber Pushups are better than Hindus (I use them at the end of the set, followed by regulars). About the Bridge: It is not so dangerous if you start slowly, it took me two weeks to perform it without hands, now I can hold it for almost 4'. Can have only 1 One Leg Squat, 3 Handstand Pushups and 4 Pullups, I have to play a lot with them...
Reverse Pushups are more challeging than what I thought! I've left weighs training since I stared Matt's exercises