Training methods

Posted by: Anonymous

Training methods - 02/20/05 08:04 PM

hey you all i just wanitng suggestion about things i can do during ym training , i have some stuff such as the followoing


Jump rope – fifteen minutes
Shadow Training (shadow sparing) – 30minutes
Tiger jumping- ten minutes (use caution uses lots of Ki)


Push up- 50
Sit ups- 50
Six-inches- contently try to hold for longer periods of time each time u do it
Arm stretch (use light weight and add more on when safe)
Pull ups – 10 (every two weeks add more by 5)


Stomach hit
Medicine ball drop
Forearm clash
Shin Clash
Break falls

this doenst include a warm up due to the fact that we all have diffrent ideals on how to get our body warm up, but if any of you have any suggestion on what i can also do during trainng please let me know