
Posted by: Anonymous

Tournament - 02/02/05 05:42 PM

I was thinking about going to a tournament, but I've never been to one before. What are they like? What kinds of things are tested/done? I've heard they test you on your form and one-steps, but is there anything else? Also, what are Open Tournaments like? Thank you.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Tournament - 02/02/05 08:51 PM

Tkd Tournements as well as open tournements are great fun. The usually consit of forms compition, free sparring, as well as breaking and weapons contests. Check one out sometime you'll have a blast
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Tournament - 02/03/05 01:34 AM


Sathurday 12 febr. I go for my yellow belt exam. and 13 march I go to the Dutch Open North Tournament and fight my first real tournament. So join the club [IMG][/IMG]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Tournament - 02/03/05 10:00 AM

Get stuck in mate.

Tournaments are the biz!

Generally you can enter for whatever you want to although in some instances the categories you can enter maybe limited if you are a lower grade.

Point Stop Sparring
Continuous sparring
Full contact

Each club and style has there own categories and you may find inter club tournaments are the best place to start as they are normally smaller versions of the open events.

Bear in mind open events can sometimes attract the die hard MA's, that often don't have a clue. Look for Tournaments that are organised and run by reliable/proffessional organisations.

Going back to my first comment though. Just get stuck in and good luck.