weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do

Posted by: Anonymous

weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do - 09/11/04 05:54 PM

First time on this site and its exactly what I needed, I just completed my first week of Tae Kwon Do and I love it. My question is prior to taking Tae Kwon Do I was a competitive powerlifter for about 5 years and I got alot of work to do on my flexibility but I don't want to give up lifting weights (powerlifting I'm retired from) is there any way to combine the two and any sample workouts would be great Thank you
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do - 09/11/04 08:51 PM

A full body workout is very essential to a great TKD experience (for the ring).

Now, powerlifting is going to be a bit well...unflexible. So I would suggest something that keeps your muscle mass good, but add in more stretching. Add more endurance type lifts instead of power lifting.

Personally, I do something that was shown by Chris Benoit. I don't know if you know of him, but his body and stamina are pretty damn near legend.

Do your sets, lets say you are doing something like 3 sets (plus 1 warmup) 8 reps, 10 reps and 12 reps (just an example). Instead of waiting between sets, you push out each rep as fast as you can handle with good form. Then instead of resting, you only rest as long as it takes to adjust the weight (that particular set giving I would probably go low to high one week, high to low the next). If you are working out with a partner, then rest only as long as they need to do their set.

It really builds the cardio and endurance.

Remember, stretching is your friend. Power is good, but endurance type strength, in TKD, is better. Being able to hit really hard once is cool...but now see if you can do that 80 times in a minute.

Get my point?
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do - 09/12/04 08:38 AM

Thank you for the information. Oh yeah I know Chris Benoit the rabid wolverine, he's the one reason I still watch WWE now that Goldberg's off.I have another question you said whole body what kind of excercises? Do you think it would be a bad idea to use compound movements like deadlifts and squats or use more isolation movements like cable rows and leg extensions? But again I really appreciate the information.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do - 09/12/04 04:59 PM

Okay...good, then you know the body and stamina I am talking about.

Deadlifts and squats and the like aren't bad. When I said whole body, I meant more in generic terms. ie. I know of people that ONLY train their legs for TKD! I find that insane.

Few schools of thought on your question of compounds and such....

Personally, I like to do both. The simple and the compound. I tend to switch my routine up at once a month at the least. Sometimes I use the compounds by themselves and then the simple by themselves. ie. Back simple Monday with chest compound. Back Compound Wednesday, Chest Simple. Other times I use them to compliment each other.

The main thing is to not stop your training. Know that your body will be gowing through "Something new" for TKD and give yourself allowance to adjust to it.

Also beware of an injury in the gym or in TKD can effect your workout. But dont be a pussy either. Bumps and bruises, as you know from powerlifting, is part of the game.

Some small TKD pointers...

Make sure your hamstrings are up to the challenge your quads will put on them. A lot of pulls come from the quad overexerting the hamstring. That's just the way some of the kicks are designed. Just be aware and make sure you work your entire leg.

Upper body is very important. But remember that this is usually an endurance thing. That is where the Chris Benoit work out comes in great. YOu won't lose the mass, you *probably* will tone a bit, but you *will* become more endurance muscle friendly.

Another tip which some people that are really *BIG* dont' think about...

Size will work against you sometimes. If you fight Olympic sport..as the matches go down, as the rounds go on...you will feel your weight.

Hope this all makes sense, feel free to ask things [IMG]http://www.fightingarts.com/forums/ubb/wink.gif[/IMG]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do - 10/05/04 10:41 AM

I am glad somebody else has similar questions about weight lifting and Taekwondo.

I had been weight lifting since 1997 and mass and strength were my goals. In 2002 I joined Taekwondo (TKD) and found that my flexibility and endurance were at the lower end of the class but when it came to anything with strength such as push up or the such nobody could match me. Now after two years of taking TKD I've had to find a balance. I am still not as flexible as some, nor have as much as endurance as many, but these have improved immensely. However on the weight lifting side I am not near as big or as strong as I was. This does bother me somewhat but I don't want to give up either so I learn to live with it. This doesn't mean I weight lift less harder, I just realize with TKD I can't be as big as I want or as strong as I want, and have the flexibility I want and endurance I want.

At 36 years old I really can't complain as most people would not stick to either work out regiment. I suggest working at both and then determine if you want to do one or the other or both. If both then find a compromise. Good Luck
Posted by: UKfightfreak

Re: weightlifting and Tae Kwon Do - 11/06/04 07:45 AM

Powerlifting and weights should give you an edge with flexibility. I have seen a strongman lift all of four atlas stones and then jump into a split in celebration.

It's not really the weights, as in how you train.

Start incorporating deep lunges (Forwards, back and side) into your routine as well as adductor pulldowns, still leg deadlifts and deep knee squats (all the way down but don't bounce at the bottom).

Also incorporate isometric stretching. The strenth already there will see you in full splits in no time.

And remember to only do dynamic stretches as a part of the warm up (no static stretches!!)

see www.stadion.com for more info.