grappling with long fingernails?

Posted by: dpr

grappling with long fingernails? - 04/10/07 11:27 AM

Hello, this may seem like a strange question, but is it possible to have long fingernails on your right hand and still do well at jiu-jitsu?

I play and teach classical guitar, and have to keep the thumb, index, middle and ring fingernails long on my right hand (my left hand nails and my right-hand pinky are trimmed short). They are not filed to a point, but rather circular, they are filed to take the shape of the finger.

I want to take jiu-jitsu, but I've searched forums and seen posts complaining of being scratched while grappling. Is there anything I could do to keep my fingernails while still taking jiu-jitsu classes? Put tape on my nails or wear special gloves or something? Any suggestions?

Posted by: Prizewriter

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/10/07 12:05 PM

Without wishing to cause distress, I will tell you I had half a finger nail pulled out once in Judo. It wasn'tlorng, but it could've been shorter.

It is not impossible though. You could try doing what some judoka do, and tape your finger tips. They help protect your nails as well as ligaments in your fingers. Go into an atheltic store or chemists/pharmacy and ask them do they have any atheltic tape or surgical tape.

Your sensei should be able to show you how to tape up your fingers.
Posted by: cxt

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/11/07 06:35 PM


You might talk to the teacher, but as far as I am aware the general rule is to keep the fingernails/toenails short.

Long nails could be a danger to you and to others.

Depending on what and how sue-happy someone might be, they could pontentially be a hazard to the teacher as well.

Most people would rather not take the chance.

Gloves is a idea, don't know how they might go over though.
Posted by: dpr

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/11/07 07:22 PM

Ouch! The whole nail came off? Jesus. Well, I was thinking of taping them up but that wouldn't really protect against me bending the nail backward and having it rip out like you (which I'm sure would happen eventually, since my nails are quite long).


Without wishing to cause distress, I will tell you I had half a finger nail pulled out once in Judo. It wasn'tlorng, but it could've been shorter.

It is not impossible though. You could try doing what some judoka do, and tape your finger tips. They help protect your nails as well as ligaments in your fingers. Go into an atheltic store or chemists/pharmacy and ask them do they have any atheltic tape or surgical tape.

Your sensei should be able to show you how to tape up your fingers.

Posted by: dpr

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/11/07 07:25 PM

Yeah, I called a few schools already and all of the instructors pretty much just told me to cut my nails or don't bother coming to class. Any form of boxing (muay thai, kickboxing, etc) is out of the question because those type of gloves would bend and break my nails, no doubt. I may just have to ask my guitar instructor if I can keep my nails trimmed until I have to do an exam or perform, then grown them for that short time and then cut them again. I somehow doubt he will approve lol... this sucks



You might talk to the teacher, but as far as I am aware the general rule is to keep the fingernails/toenails short.

Long nails could be a danger to you and to others.

Depending on what and how sue-happy someone might be, they could pontentially be a hazard to the teacher as well.

Most people would rather not take the chance.

Gloves is a idea, don't know how they might go over though.

Posted by: Taison

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/12/07 02:41 AM

Don't guitar players have those metal things you can play with? Looks like a coin, very thin. No idea what they're called because I'm as musically talented like drunkard singing christmas songs.

My suggestion would be if you're doing ANY art, cut your nails or don't bother going to class. I've had someone scratch my elbow and it started bleeding because they thought it was a good idea to come to class with long nails. Another time I was cut (yes CUT) at the shoulder, not too far away from my neck when he was going for the neck hold. Imagine if he cut at the neck, ouchies, aye?

Nails are to be short if you're doing any MA.

-Taison out
Posted by: JohnL

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/12/07 01:31 PM


Either cut the nails or don't grapple.
Posted by: motobusmonkey

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/12/07 04:18 PM

Taison, you are thinking of a pick, or plectrum. classical players use three fingers to pluck simultaneously.

When I tried to learn classical guitar, I had to use a prosthetic nail on one finger because the nail is kind of mangled from the tip of my finger being cut off. You could do that, just find a weaker glue that won't permanently attach. It worked, I just don't have the patience for classical guitar(or maintaining finger nails).

Posted by: Kimira

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/12/07 09:19 PM

Hello dpr

I agree with the others, long nails and martial arts are not good together. There would be a huge concern for unintentional damage possible even permanent injury for example to someone’s eye. I play guitar as well although not classical. Have you thought about using fitted finger picks? I know they would feel odd for a while but once you’ve had some time with them it shouldn’t affect your speed/timing or coordination and as a extra bonus you will get a cleaner sound then if you use your fingers alone.

Posted by: Glockmeister

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 04/27/07 10:57 AM

I would not recommend grappling with long fingernails. I remember when I forst started doing BJJ with the gi and I had my ring and middle finger nails peal back on me halfway and it was extreamly painful and my nails weren't even terribly long. Also, when your opponent has sharp nails, (even toenails) they can cut you. It has happened to me when my opponent had sharp toenails, he left a huge gash on my foot and it left a nice sized ugly scar. It is also unhygenic. if you insist on having long nails, don't grapple.
Posted by: hugo

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 12/12/07 02:13 PM

It is in fact mat etiquette that one keeps one's nails short, as a safety measure. Cuts bleed, and other people's blood is not something you want all over you, for both health and general wellbeing. Your nails also may be dirty, and again, there is a health risk in this manner.

For this reason, it is a rule at many clubs that nails are kept short. If you MUST keep your nails at the length they are currently at, I suppose your suggestion of gloves may be meritable, but if nobody wants to compromise with you here, you may have to tow the line.

Hopefully you sort it out.
Posted by: matt_mcg

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 12/13/07 09:36 AM

I play classical guitar and have nails on my right hand. I have no problem wearing boxing gloves. I'm fairly lucky in that my nails are tough -- I don't usually have problems with them splitting.

In two years of savate I've never had a problem with my nails.

I have had to shop around for gloves, though. One pair I bought compressed the finger tips too hard and caused some pain in the nail area.

Grappling, I can't see any way to make that work.
Posted by: tkd_dude

Re: grappling with long fingernails? - 12/23/07 12:44 AM

Hey, I have a cousin going for a master's in classical guitar. I know that the nails are important. I've also come back to Taekwon-do practice after a bit of a break, my toenails got a bit long, and I cut my partner's face. Not a pleasant thing. Maybe cut them and get some cheap acrylic glue on nails??? I hope the best for you. I do Taekwon-do, Hapkido, and a bit of Brazilian Jujutsu and I can say that martial arts are definately worth the time and effort and the sweat and blood. I'm also a musician though and I know the feelings you're feeling. It sucks to have to choose. Hopefully you won't have to.