Judo fighter's bliss

Posted by: Anonymous

Judo fighter's bliss - 04/21/05 01:53 PM

I'd like to hear what some of you judo types consider a decent martial art discipline to integrate with your prior judo knowledge...hmm maybe I shouldn't have said 'judo types'..makes me seem rude...

[This message has been edited by ParadoxPlague (edited 04-21-2005).]
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Judo fighter's bliss - 04/22/05 09:05 PM

In my opinnion, use just about any combat sport that has striking. Not point oriented styles either. My reasoning is that in judo, you practice as hard as you can(within certain rules) in a real way that won't injure youre opponent. If you do something else where you can go all out(within a DIFFERENT set of rules) you should be great because you could go all out in no/limmited rules. Good luck.