
Posted by: Anonymous

Vegetarians - 04/09/05 10:07 PM

I did some research the other day. I was intrigued by the idea that there are people on this earth who do not eat meat. I was astonished to find that there are only two reasons why one would not eat meat. Here they are:

1. Moral issues

Many vegetarians do not eat meat because they do not like the idea of killing animals. This reasoning is pure crap. You see, animals were meant to be killed. And since they were meant to be killed, they should be eaten. Killing animals and not eating the meat is wasteful. That's what those damn white people did when they came to North America. They killed the bison and did not eat the meat. They also stole land from the Natives and forced them into little reserves. Than they got the Natives drunk. Vegetarians are worse than these white people. Vegetarians are worse than Hitler.

2. Stupidity

Many vegetarians are vegatarian because they feel that it is cool and/or trendy. It is a fad that is catching on, an Eastern tradition that is catching on and making an impact on Western culture ('Western culture' being an oxymoron, I know). It is the same way so many people are becoming Buddhists, the same way retards meditate and practice yoga, the same way Thai food is becoming so popular (NOTE: Thai food is not good. Thai food is, when you get down to it, peanut butter added to anything). Vegetarianism is a fad. Veganism is a fad. Communism was a fad, and you see what happend to it? The same fate awaits the non-meat-eating asses of the world.

Now that I understand vegetarianism a little bit more, I feel that I will be more comfortable mocking it.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Vegetarians - 04/09/05 11:16 PM

The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about

[This message has been edited by lme888 (edited 04-09-2005).]