Lung recovery due to smoking

Posted by: MiSt

Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 12:08 AM

Hey guys long time no see!

Been smoking quite a lot of weed lately and as with all drugs I do I like to try and understand the effects it will have on my health, I'm mainly focused on the effect smoking cannabis has on the lungs, concerned with long term irreversible damage.

Now...I was wondering if you knowledgeable folk out their could give me some information on how well our lungs recover from the stress placed on them by smoking, naturally I've done my fair share of research on the net and discovered its quite a [censored] difficult subject. There are so many damn contradictions.

For example this source suggests that the damage done by short term smoking is repairable:


“I asked him if I was going to end up talking through a hole in my neck."

"After a month? No. Not if the risk factors aren't already there. You're in uncharted territory here. No one starts up at your age. But if you quit, your body will repair the damage pretty quickly. That's the great thing about quitting. The lungs repair themselves."


(Good read btw, very entertaining. Also note he is referring to cigarettes rather than cannabis.)

However other sources (sorry I can't provide links) have stated other wise.

Informed opinions much appreciated thanks!
Posted by: Kimo2007

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 12:26 AM

Tough question.

The problem is while there is cause and effect in play, it's by no means absolute.

By that I mean, does smoking cause cancer and other illness, yes. Will everyone who smokes die from it, no. You are playing with odds here, and you have to weigh your odds of sickness and death against your day to day happiness.

But you mention weed, a bit different because just on useage you are not exposing yourself to as much damage as tobacco, most pot smokers are pulling down 2 packs a day.

And pot has positive qualities too. but you are still damaging your body to some degree and it will possibly result in problems down the road.

Then we come back to trading off between short term happiness and long term health.

So I'd say don't gamble, learn to live without or at least limit the intake...find a vice that works in your favor.

That said, I'd rather see you smoke pot, then drink booze, personally I'd prefer you smoked tobacco to drinking booze. Booze has all kinds of ways to get you.

Kind of a rambling post tonight, sorry just can't sleep.
Posted by: MiSt

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 01:32 AM

I'm pulling an all nighter myself LoL..this term at uni has been funny, first half of it spent getting [censored] up on booze (had a night where me and a mate were watching a film and a dozen girls with bottels of champagne turn up outside the window drunk, shouting random names at us, we open the door, next thing we know we have a random house house party with 20 ppl in our house at 2am, ended up being carried home from their place by my mate...funnily enough it turned out they genuinely thought someone in their group knew us, which they didnt. lol.)...and the second half has been spent 5 of us hotboxing in a 4 man tent in my bedroom LoooL
Posted by: JKogas

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 06:05 AM

Sounds like you have your priorities right at school there. Keep up the good work. With any luck, you may be able to remember a little bit of what you're majoring in.
Posted by: MiSt

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 06:22 AM

I do yeah, I went to uni to make some [censored] mates...and its uni not school I'm actually not quite sure how you can confuse the two..but I don't want to argue with you JKogas of all people <3 !!

Also: Where in my post did I mention lack of regard for my course? I didn't. British students are known for having fun and passing at the same time!
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 07:35 AM

Smoking = lung damage, period. Stop smoking and your lungs will regain their former health within 10 years or so.

Stop smoking now.
Posted by: MiSt

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 08:25 AM

If the post were about booze would you have typed drinking = liver damage, stop drinking now? The liver regenerates and can witstand a certain about of abuse (exactly how much is pretty well documented and preached by the government, however the same can not be said for smoking cannabis)...I'm looking for a more evidence based answer on how much abuse the lungs can take (harsh way of putting it lol)...Looking foward to Cords post :-)
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/16/08 09:10 AM


If the post were about booze would you have typed drinking = liver damage, stop drinking now?

Dude, you don't even want to start with me on this. Alcohol in low amounts is not harmful. Smoke, in any amount - from any source, IS harmful.

Evidence based? How much evidence do you need? This is common sense.
Posted by: JasonM

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/17/08 01:00 AM


British students are known for having fun and passing at the same time!

Fall right into that sterotype.Good job!
Posted by: MiSt

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/17/08 06:54 AM

Posted by: Ilove2Hit

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/18/08 10:17 AM


smoking anything is bad for ur lung. u smoke in hot steam which burnes the flesh and causes cancer.

smoking = damaging ur whole body, lung, heart, brain, blood ciculation, etc

especially the long term dmg is higher then the short term. the more u smoke the more poison in ur body. and the older u get, the less ur body can resist and fight it. also, the more there is, the harder for the body to fight it. anything bad u put into ur body will stay there forever, just think of it like that. since some, even just a tiny little bit, of whatever we consume (yes smoking = consuming ^^) gets absorbed by the body.

dont believe in the "strong self-reperation-skills" of the body. if this would b true then there would b labels like "please dont smoke over 4345677 cigaretes because then the body cant repair itself after that amount."

on each and every person it has a different affect. i dont mean some1s body doesnt mind and some does. its just a bad affect or a more bad affect. there is nothing else. both will pay for it at some time. any harm u do to ur body the body will get back at you. the less harm, the longer u live, since ur body didnt waste so much of its energy dealing with all the sh1t u consumed.

also u have to look at ur genes and ur family history. if some1 in ur family (dad, mum, granparents, etc.) have had cancer or other ilnesses, due to the genes, u may also be a bit easier in getting cancer (might being born with a defect in ur genes or an adoption in ur genes that allows ur body easily to create cancer tissue...)

my grandparents had cancer (grandpa died from it), my dad had cancer, and i am likely to also have some.. not to have now, but that at some point i will have to deal with some health problem concerning cancer. there are many factors u have to look at.

simply..? smoking tobaco, weed, etc. (dont forget that many ppl mix weed with tobaco in a joint which is rly bad!!!!) is not good for u. not in short term and definetly not at long run!

wow.. that was a lot of text..

take care
Posted by: Ames

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/19/08 02:50 AM

According to the American Cancer society it takes 1-9 months for the cilia of the lungs to regrow. These are the small hairs that help you move mucous out of your lungs. Once that happens, your lungs will start to clear themselves (provided you don't have emphysema).

From my experience, with quitting cigs, I will noticed a major improvement in lung capacity within 6 months. Coming up to a year now, they feel almost back to normal. This could be due to the fact that I am doing more cardio now than I did before I ever started smoking.

If you want your lungs to improve, you have to quit smoking totally. I have found a few 'natural remedies' that have helped my lungs clear faster, and that took away some of the cravings (will power is most important though). If your interested, p.m. me and I'll give you some ideas on things that can help with the withdrawal and detox process.

Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/21/08 11:21 AM

Heh, sounds like you are living uni life the way I did. For a year. Before I got thrown out.

Cant have a go at you because a) aside from upsetting my parents, I had the best time of my life, and wouldnt change those stories and experiences for anything, and b) everyone gets a degree these days, so they do not give the advantage in the workplace that they used to, all they do is give you a 3 year extension on not joining the real world, so good luck to you

Now, to the actual question. Weed and tobacco smoke damage the lungs, even if you use a bong to 'purify' the smoke

How much and for how long will probably depend on individual genetic factors. My Dad has smoked since he was 14, and at 81 has good breathing and is fit and active. Plenty in those circumstances have died in their 40's or developed respiratory desease, so go figure.

I quit smoking everything (save for my christmas cigars)when I was 29. I found I was getting a bit 'wheezy' in the morning, and decided it was time. The first 3 months after that I developed a terrible cough as the lungs regenerated their ability to export all the cr4p I had dumped in them- some of the things I coughed up had heartbeats . From 3 months clean for the remainder of the year, my chest felt much more 'free' than it had in years, but I still had coughing fits after hard cardio sessions. 1 year clear onwards I felt absolutely fine in all conditions.

Just remember that you are riding your luck, and that is your right, but that some people's luck has less mileage than others.
Posted by: MiSt

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/21/08 07:34 PM

Last three replies were just what I was looking for, thanks ILove2Hit, Ames Cord :-)
Posted by: Ilove2Hit

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 12/21/08 10:43 PM

np MiSt!

try to get some education and some degree bro ^^

not like some others, right Cord?

if u take a look at his Location he is located at cambridge.

NOT IN THE UNIVERSITY ^^ (as ppl may think)

no no... :P:P

he is one of the bad big ppl who sell drugs to students and then act in the forum as if they were trying to help.

just in case..

if u get any pm from "Cord" regarding "Viagra" do not open it..


lol. happy xmas! :P
Posted by: Triddle

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/27/09 01:46 AM

I'd just like to point out that smoking cannabis does not infact cause cancer as many believe. Various governments have been trying to prove that it does for years and so far have only turned up evidence that it infact protects against cancer (due to killing aging cells which may otherwise become cancerous.) Of course if you mix it with tabacco then you are of course at increased risk of cancer.

That said, I'm not advocating smoking anything and do not smoke myself - Though I don't believe that marijuana is a particularly high risk drug, and have nothing against its use.
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/27/09 07:34 AM

Any kind of smoke or lung irritant can cause cancer. Don't smoke - anything.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/27/09 08:41 AM


I'd just like to point out that smoking cannabis does not infact cause cancer as many believe. Various governments have been trying to prove that it does for years and so far have only turned up evidence that it infact protects against cancer (due to killing aging cells which may otherwise become cancerous.) Of course if you mix it with tabacco then you are of course at increased risk of cancer.

That said, I'm not advocating smoking anything and do not smoke myself - Though I don't believe that marijuana is a particularly high risk drug, and have nothing against its use.

Two words. Bob Marley.

I am pro personal choice on this issue, but, just as with any drug, prescribed or otherwise, there are nagatives and risks as well as benefit.

I neither demonise it, nor tout it as some sort of health elixir, or wonder substance. Its a fun way to lose an afternoon, and it has the potential to damage the lungs and the chemical balance of the brain.

Weigh up the pleasure- to - risk ratio, and make a personal choice- just dont try and justify it either way with biased cod-science.
Posted by: Aesir

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/27/09 04:51 PM

Water Bong.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/27/09 05:42 PM


Water Bong.

Total Myth
Posted by: TheCrab

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 10:28 AM

I find it pretty easy to justify in terms of risk.
after you get past the fact that its illegal (what isnt) and the "its bad for you" bullcrap, just make a decision.

There are no decent studies on Marijuana in terms of cancer risk, so you might as well not think about that. There IS a slight addiction to it, but if you have any sort of willpower it shouldn't be a problem. Theres no hangover, you dont feel sick or violent( if anything you feel horny), and you dont act like a total anal F*cker while your high.

So yeah. For me that justifies saving 80 bucks on a carton of Woodstock, and spending 20 dollars on what equals up to a funner calmer night out where I dont end up bashing someone because I had a few too many drinks.

I'm not doing a sales job on anyone, just posting my opinion. If your an excessive or addictive person, then maybe it isnt for you, but then again, what is?
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 11:09 AM


I find it pretty easy to justify in terms of risk.
after you get past the fact that its illegal (what isnt)

Legal stuff. Cannabis is being uprgraded in the UK from class C to class B, having been temporarily downgraded.
It doesnt matter if you agree with it or not, get a conviction for drugs, and it will be a bigger deal for employers than you. Saying 'well, its just a bit of draw isnt it? ' in a job interview will not endear you.


and the "its bad for you" bullcrap, just make a decision.

There are no decent studies on Marijuana in terms of cancer risk, so you might as well not think about that.

Care to give me a link to all the studies you analyzed and the reasons you decided they were of no value? .... Or did you just hear someone say this over a bong onr night and decided to accept it as truth to justify your choice


There IS a slight addiction to it, but if you have any sort of willpower it shouldn't be a problem.

Addiction is a personal thing, and in long term heavy use, the addiction can be a very strong psychological need, as the brain recognises the altered brain chemistry as the 'norm' and will seek that familiarity.


Theres no hangover

You either smoke weak-a$$ weed, or are a total tourist
THC remains active in the body and traceable for up to 8 weeks after ingestion/inhalation. One of the genuine practical issues over hash use is the residual effect on people driving or operating machinery in the days after usage.


you dont feel sick

Tell that to anyone who has had a 'white-out'


or violent( if anything you feel horny)

Again, everyone is different. I have never heard of anyone getting violent when stoned, common effects are giggles, hunger, loss of coordination, impaired thought process


and you dont act like a total anal F*cker while your high.

Get real! You dont know how irritating a cained person is to a 'straight' person. If you are all smoking it, then you dont irritate each other because you are all equally as monged out, or pretentious or as much a giggling wreck, as each other.


So yeah. For me that justifies saving 80 bucks on a carton of Woodstock, and spending 20 dollars on what equals up to a funner calmer night out where I dont end up bashing someone because I had a few too many drinks.

Ever consider not doing any of it, or learning to handle you beer you f*cking lightweight


I'm not doing a sales job on anyone, just posting my opinion.

Come back when its informed. Oh hang on, its you Crabbie, it could take a while


If your an excessive or addictive person, then maybe it isnt for you, but then again, what is?

A clean and decent life, that does not involve self harm to escape misery is something for all to aspire to.

If you cant cope with reality, then you will find your own way to soften its edges, but there is a price for every pleasure.
Posted by: McSensei

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 12:36 PM

Hmmm. Do I.........or don't I????

Feck it, here goes.

MattJ wrote..

"Dude, you don't even want to start with me on this. Alcohol in low amounts is not harmful. Smoke, in any amount - from any source, IS harmful."


The original study by Richard Doll and Austin Bradford-Hill showed that there is a dose response relationship between numbers smoked and lung cancer.

That means that the fewer you smoke the less the risk involved.
It is the same with all substances.

The first tenet of toxicology is the dose makes the poison.

"Evidence based? How much evidence do you need? This is common sense."

Lol. That's the attitude that led to thousands of women being burnt at the stake for witchcraft.
What enlightening times we live in.

Now we've got that out of the way I would suggest to the OP that if you want to carry on with the Mary-Jane, buy a vapouriser.


I believe that Bob Marleys lung cancer was secondry to liver cancer, but I'll have to hunt down the reference.
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 03:03 PM


That means that the fewer you smoke the less the risk involved.
It is the same with all substances.

How am I wrong when you are agreeing with me? No smoking = least risk of cancer from smoking. That's what I said. And we have been over the substances thing before in the previous thread. You cannot compare smoking to anything necessary for life or even harmful products of otherwise benign substances or processes. You don't have the freedom to murder anyone, either. Grow up and deal with it, apologist. Reeling from the irony of the martial artist defending a habit that ruins health and life.
Posted by: McSensei

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 03:58 PM


You are wrong to say that smoke in any amount is harmful, which IS what you said. All I'm saying is that if you were to smoke 1 or 2 cig/spliff/whatever a day then there is no significant risk to health. Certainly none that can be measured anyway.

"You don't have the freedom to murder anyone, either."

I'm sure that if I had murdered anyone then I wouldn't be on these boards having this discussion.
What a stupid thing to say.

"Grow up and deal with it, apologist."

HA! Name calling. The last refuge of the desperate.

Smoking is probably harmful to some people depending on many factors, including the amount smoked.
This much I will agree on.

However, you do yourself no favours at all by exaggerating the argument.
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 04:52 PM


You are wrong to say that smoke in any amount is harmful, which IS what you said.

I'm not wrong - you are arguing semantics about the DEGREE of harm.


All I'm saying is that if you were to smoke 1 or 2 cig/spliff/whatever a day then there is no significant risk to health. Certainly none that can be measured anyway.

So pathetically inaccurate that I can't be bothered to go out of my way to disprove this......again. See the previous thread......again.


HA! Name calling. The last refuge of the desperate.


What a stupid thing to say. were saying? LOL
Posted by: Ames

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 08:10 PM


All I'm saying is that if you were to smoke 1 or 2 cig/spliff/whatever a day then there is no significant risk to health. Certainly none that can be measured anyway.

Wrong. One or two cigarettes a day does pose a health risk, and has been studied. From an article in the Independent (


Overall, light smokers had a 50 per cent higher risk of dying from any cause than non-smokers and the risk rose with the number of cigarettes smoked.

Posted by: Triddle

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 09:24 PM

Just a couple of links with regards to marijuana and cancer, and Cord, I'm fairly certain that Bob Marley's lung cancer was secondary.

I've never heard of any evidence that marijuana causes any form of cancer, and I have seen substantial evidence that it protects against it. These two links are just the first things that turned up upon googling 'marijuana, cancer' I'm sure more could easily be found. I read a very interesting piece on it a year or so ago but I'm not sure where it can be found.

I haven't looked too extensively into this, but I did some study into cannabinols (focusing primarily on THC) for organic chemistry last year and all the evidence I found suggested that at worst it is non-carcinogenic and at best it is an anticarcinongen.

In general I found that THCs health effects are extremely mild (and I'm a person who won't take panadol if I've drank alcohol in order to avoid liver damage...) BUT there is the risk of physchosis, something I'd personally rather avoid, especially after my friend experienced it.

For the record my studys weren't focused on health effects, but I came across a lot of information on it along the way and looked into it.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 10:25 PM

We are talking in direct relation to lung damage through smoking. The fact that THC may have some anti-cancer properties does not mean that the safe medical way to administer it is through inhalation. Please notice that the study was injecting rats with pure THC- that is wildly different to giving them a blow-back

Now, using cannabis in cooking, you negate the lung issue altogether, but as you point out, this still leaves the potential for negative impact on brain chemistry. I never suffered anything beyond short term paranoia, and an overwhelming sense of lethargy. Part of the attraction of the effects is that they encourage dissasociative tendencies- not like ketamine, but in the sense that, if you have important real life stuff to do (work, shopping, paying bills etc), you are much more likely to rationalise such things as low priority until you straighten out. If you are a habitual user, this can lead to things getting out of control. This in turn can lead you to use more heavily so that the problems seem less important....a vicious circle.

Like i said, I am not 'pro' or 'anti' cannabis. I am someone who used heavily, enjoyed it thoroughly, but came out the other side deciding that, all things considered, I have a better more positive life without it.

Everything in life has positives and negatives, and just as you should view the old film 'reefer madness' with a pinch of salt, so to, should you treat those who claim cannabis is an entirely benevolent and life enhancing substance.

The answer lies somewhere in the middle, and will be dependant on individual physical, mental, and social circumstances.
Posted by: TheCrab

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/28/09 10:32 PM


get a conviction for drugs, and it will be a bigger deal for employers than you.

I was avoiding legal aspects in the post, but yeah thats true. Then again any criminal record stops you from getting most jobs here, from littering to murder. If your sensible about it you cant get caught.


Or did you just hear someone say this over a bong onr night and decided to accept it as truth to justify your choice

well just from googling it then. "184 cannabis related deaths in Australia for the five years 1997-2001" the smoking deaths were among the thousands, and none of the marijuana deaths were of cancer.


Addiction is a personal thing, and in long term heavy use, the addiction can be a very strong psychological need

but as I said, it may not be for addictive people. Alcohol is addictive, but if you go about it sensibly then you can keep it at a few drinks a night or a lot on the weekend and still be fine, I dont see why this is different. It just takes some common sense and willpower.


ou either smoke weak-a$$ weed, or are a total tourist
THC remains active in the body and traceable for up to 8 weeks after ingestion/inhalation. One of the genuine practical issues over hash use is the residual effect on people driving or operating machinery in the days after usage.

Theres no hangover though ive never felt bad the morning after. That is a good point about the machinery, but thats not what I meant. just chalk that up to the risks side of it.


Get real! You dont know how irritating a cained person is to a 'straight' person. If you are all smoking it, then you dont irritate each other because you are all equally as monged out, or pretentious or as much a giggling wreck, as each other.

You might come across as slightly annoying, but ive never been started by someone who was high. Its definitely a calmer drug, if you will, than alcohol, pingers, speed, anything.


Ever consider not doing any of it, or learning to handle you beer you f*cking lightweight

No I havnt being sober when everyones not sucks balls, so I avoid it. Mind you im not very good at handling booze these days because I only do it very occasionally, which for me is a good thing. (woodstocks bourbon by the way)


A clean and decent life, that does not involve self harm to escape misery is something for all to aspire to.

Id mark that as out of reach for most people under 25 here


If you cant cope with reality, then you will find your own way to soften its edges, but there is a price for every pleasure.

Theres a lot of prices for some other pleasures. go figure
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 07:24 AM

Another point to consider in all this is not the canabis itself, but who grew it and how. When you are talking about cannabis resin, then you are inhaling far more than the cannabis- all sorts of cr4p been cut with it, and plenty of it will be proven carcinogenic, if not downright toxic.

When it comes to the herb, the real global players dont give a sh1t about safe pesticides, and that stuff hitches a ride into your baggy along with plant it resides on. Next stop on the DDT train, your lungs. Yippee!!

Crabbie, as for not getting caught breaking the law, every convicted fellon in the world thought they wouldnt get caught- or else they wouldnt have done it in the first place would they?

play the game long enough, and the law of averages will bite you on the a$$, and you will get caught. Your life little fella, no skin off my nose what you do with it.
Posted by: TheCrab

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 08:07 AM

good point about who grew it. never thought about that

as for getting caught, if you go about it sensibly then the chances are minimal. dont hire a marching band to tell everyone, just do it in your room if you want, or at a mates.

even alcohol is illegal to drink in public. just treat them similarly.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 09:41 AM


as for getting caught, if you go about it sensibly then the chances are minimal. dont hire a marching band to tell everyone, just do it in your room if you want, or at a mates.

You just told 26,000 strangers worl wide on a forum
Posted by: Ilove2Hit

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 10:06 AM



A clean and decent life, that does not involve self harm to escape misery is something for all to aspire to.

Id mark that as out of reach for most people under 25 here

not out of reach. 19. not smoking, not drinking

not smiking since hhmm... actually never....

not drinking... well since new year :P 1st month of alcohol, doesnt feel so bad at all!
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 10:48 AM



as for getting caught, if you go about it sensibly then the chances are minimal. dont hire a marching band to tell everyone, just do it in your room if you want, or at a mates.

You just told 26,000 strangers worl wide on a forum

Posted by: Ames

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 11:02 AM


Another point to consider in all this is not the canabis itself, but who grew it and how. When you are talking about cannabis resin, then you are inhaling far more than the cannabis- all sorts of cr4p been cut with it, and plenty of it will be proven carcinogenic, if not downright toxic.

This is a really good point to consider.

Here in Canada, we have legalized the use of marijuana for medical reasons. The people who need it can get a prescription and pick it up. Well, about three years ago it was found out that all this medical pot had incredibly high levels of toxic substances, like mercury and led. It turned out that the pot was being grown in a former mine. Keep in mind this was given to cancer patients.

Now, if this happens to the medical pot, what do you think happens to the stuff some dude is growing in his basement? I happen to know for a fact that the kinds of chemicals that are often being applied to the plants are pretty bad, and not the kind of thing I would like to inhale.

So, although I agree that it seems like marijuana in a pure form doesn't lead directly to cancer (from the studies done so far), that doesn't mean the stuff you buy on the street is the same. What I would like to see, though I doubt it will ever happen, is a study where the drug has been randomly purchased and the kind of toxic substances that are in it due to pesticides and preservatives (to keep the bud green). Especially I'd like to know the amount of cancer causing substances that are found in street weed.

Posted by: McSensei

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/29/09 06:22 PM

This kind of thing, Chris?

It's a 13 page thread I'm sure there will be loads of links to studys.

Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 05:31 AM

quoted from a post on the linked forum:

"Yeah man for sure its the way foward... its just the wait in between grows that gets me i often have sleeping trouble with out weed.... and if i smoke sprayed weed my chest inflames its just rediclious. currently waiting for an appionment at the hospital for an ultra scan on my chest.... as i've read about silicosis... i do have alot of these syptoms and i would be devisated if i had it."

Welcome to the healthy, non-dependant, happy world of the cannabis smoker.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 05:43 AM



as for getting caught, if you go about it sensibly then the chances are minimal. dont hire a marching band to tell everyone, just do it in your room if you want, or at a mates.

You just told 26,000 strangers worl wide on a forum

Crabbie, just in case you thought the internet was a 'police free' zone, here is something to think about:
Posted by: TheCrab

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 08:06 AM

I cant get arrested for posting a point of view

All up I have to agree with a lot of your points, theres a lot to consider and weigh up before you do it.
Demonising aside, its just an option, and as with everything else, I dont make the choices for people.
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 09:39 AM


It's a 13 page thread I'm sure there will be loads of links to studys.

I'm assuming this must be a joke.......what point were you trying to make?
Posted by: clmibb

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 10:32 AM

Crabbie, Let me indulge you in the past of Casey. Back when I was your age, I bought a bit of weed from a "friend" of mine. I always bought from people I knew well. That evening I lit up and got in another friend's car (we were heading to her house on the lake). We made a stop to pick up another friend and my stomach started to turn. I get out as fast as I can (keep in mind I'm HIGH as a kite at this point and finding the door handle was a challenge) and threw up everything I had in my stomach and then some. I passed out and to this day I still don't know how I got out of her car or into the house. Later when I was talking to another friend, she told me it sounded like it was laced with heroine. That was the last night I got high and stopped every other drug I was doing.

If you don't care about the legal reprocutions, at least think of what possibly could have been done and all the people who have handled it. Any one of them could have done any number of things or a combination of things.

Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 11:12 AM


Crabbie, Let me indulge you in the past of Casey. Back when I was your age, I bought a bit of weed from a "friend" of mine. I always bought from people I knew well. That evening I lit up and got in another friend's car (we were heading to her house on the lake). We made a stop to pick up another friend and my stomach started to turn. I get out as fast as I can (keep in mind I'm HIGH as a kite at this point and finding the door handle was a challenge) and threw up everything I had in my stomach and then some. I passed out and to this day I still don't know how I got out of her car or into the house. Later when I was talking to another friend, she told me it sounded like it was laced with heroine. That was the last night I got high and stopped every other drug I was doing.

If you don't care about the legal reprocutions, at least think of what possibly could have been done and all the people who have handled it. Any one of them could have done any number of things or a combination of things.


Casey, it sounds more like what we call in the UK, a 'white-out', which is simply the body panicking about the level of toxins it has in the blood (in this case cannabis), and relfexively doing anything it can to reduce that level. Its the same thing that makes people vomit when extremely drunk.

As someone who found a source of opiated weed as a youth, and exploited it on purpose, I can tell you its a very different feeling to that you described, not to mention more expensive- dealers wont lace weed with anything that could increase its value, unless they then charge for it.

Your point is well taken however, and I remember a terrible experience with cannabis resin that had been 'cut' using diesel instead of alcohol. Thick black toxic smoke, and when you sniffed the block, it smelt of a garage forcourt. I think we managed 1 spliff between 5 of us, and not only did we all throw our guts up, but we had to open windows and leave the room as the air was so compromised
Posted by: clmibb

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/30/09 12:16 PM

That's possible too. I did smoke the whole blunt on my own and at the time I was maybe 110 pounds at 5'6". Too much, too fast.

Posted by: McSensei

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/31/09 12:58 PM



It's a 13 page thread I'm sure there will be loads of links to studys.

I'm assuming this must be a joke.......what point were you trying to make?

No Matt, no joke.
Although to be honest I didn't read the whole thing, but if you want info on adulterants and stuff in cannabis then I would have thought that a stoners forum might be the place.

I'll have a look around later to see if I can find anything else on the subject, but I'm off to work to deal with the drunks of the world.
Posted by: Cord

Re: Lung recovery due to smoking - 01/31/09 02:10 PM


Although to be honest I didn't read the whole thing, but if you want info on adulterants and stuff in cannabis then I would have thought that a stoners forum might be the place.

In that forum, they are talking about the increase in pollutants used to pad out the weight of cannabis- including powdered glass and asbestos

The advice is that there is no way of telling by site or touch, and the best thing to do is insist on a sample joint before you buy- if it tastes wrong dont purchase.

t'rific, just a little bit of asbestosis wont hurt ya' will it

Never ask a stoner for advice on anything, unless its where to get pizza