Is this healthy?

Posted by: Leonine

Is this healthy? - 08/06/06 07:10 PM

Well, I've decided that I want to drop weight down to 185 from 218. I've already dropped down to 202, but after reading some things on this site I feel like I need to ask some questions.

Here's the situation first:
-I don't think I intake that many calories a day (I usually wake up after breakfast time, have a light lunch (canned soup usually) and light dinner with some kind of fruit at the end of the day). However, I don't do this to starve myself, at any point if I am hungry I will eat. Now I do consider what I eat and I eat slowly so that I don't intake more than I need (feeling stuffed is not a pleasant feeling for me), so since I pretty much just listen to my body I can't imagine it's to bad but I need to know.

-I'm dropping about 5 ounces a day (I weigh myself at the beginning and end of the day and compare to the day before at the same time) but while my muscles have hardened/leaned, they have not increased in size.

-I'm not really hungry after excersizing, and when I say not really, I mean not at all. I read that I should eat something after excersizing but my body feels so full I can't justify it. I excersize twice a day (20 minutes hard on an elliptical in the morning, then muscle work (different each day) and then 30 minutes medium on elliptical at night, muscle work (same as before), then 10-20 minutes on stationary bike at 80 rpm (until I'm tired basically))

-I take in about 2-4 litres of water a day (on days where I don't train MA, it's about 2, on days where I do, 4)

-I train MA between 1-3 hours for 5 days a week

-My energy has since doubled (actually I had a strange experience one night that pushed it from fast recovery to double energy) and my recovery time from even a half hour of intense sparring is like 2 minutes. From my cardio work it's about 45 seconds. I also excersize 7 days a week, I know it says I should take a day off but I've been doing this a good month and a half to two months and I have never had this "burn out" feeling.

Basically, I've had none of these ill effects that I often read about (weaker muscles, no energy, dizziness etc) but it just seems like I don't have enough calories and I hear that the healthy amount to lose is about 1.5lbs/week whereas I'm losing between 3.5 and 5 lbs/week. Oh yea, I'm 19 and 5'11 with a relatively lean build (I only store fat on my stomach and chest). I doing anything wrong? I'd like to know now, decrease my weight loss speed but be healthier in the end.

Posted by: Cord

Re: Is this healthy? - 08/07/06 02:56 AM

have you always eaten this way, or is it something you have accustomed yourself to since the decision to lose weight?

Why are you so concerned about reaching 185lbs? (competition, personal target etc)

Weighing yourself twice a day and compulsive excessive exercise (2 workouts, plus MA, 7 days a week is compulsive), combined with a corresponding 'high' of energy, sounds alarm bells with me as they are symptomatic of certain disorders that should not be fallen in to.

losing 4-5lbs per week is normal for the obese in early stages of a controlled fat loss regime, in a slightly overweight or merely unconditioned person such amounts are comprised largely of muscle tissue. There is no way around this- its how the body works. You are burning muscle as fuel, and the percieved energy you have is completely in line with starvation survival mode, and many anorexics say they feel vital and healthy, even as they are driven to hospital in an ambulance when they reach mortal danger.

My advice would be to get your starving a$$ out of bed in time for breakfast, and to eat moderate size well balanced snacks throughout the day- thus avoiding the bloated feeling of a heavy meal. Breakfast, mid morning, lunch, mid afternoon, dinner, 90 mins before bed. That structure would be fine.

Drop your exercise to 3 45 min weights sessions a week, along with your MA. Thats enough for anyone.

Weigh yourself once per week only- weight loss should not be your focus- it means nothing. i weigh 210lbs. What does that tell you about me? am i fat? muscular? am I fit? Healthy? 210lbs tells you f*ck all about me. Weight is just numbers on a dial, dont waste your energy on it.

Now the big question is are you prepared to try the above plan? It is starting from scratch, but it is healthy, balanced and represents a sustainable positive incorporation of exercise into your life.

I suspect that you know deep down that you have lost balance in what you are doing, and that is why you have posted. Restore your balance and relax a little if you want to be fit and healthy.
Posted by: Leonine

Re: Is this healthy? - 08/07/06 03:48 AM

You are right on some things - I do have a need to have instant gratification, the weighing of myself comes to mind here. I have always eaten this way (breakfast is like a foreign language to me), the only difference is now I ask myself if I'm still hungry before having that second serving of dinner or slice of pie. I do not believe in diets, I'll eat what I want when I want, but I do believe in moderation, I used to just fill up until my stomach was too full for anything else (I rather hate that feeling, always have) now I wait until I feel comfortably full but not overly so.

I have to drop (more of a choice still) because I've been offered a spot on a fightcard and I'm using this as the reason for dropping my weight. In the past I fought at my weight and did well, but now if I want this one I have to make weight (I see more future for me in MMA if I'm at 185 then 218). I've always wanted to get down to somewhere between 185 and 195, personal issues from childhood.

I know I'm not obese, but I think I'm at least fairly conditioned, 16% bodyfat, but if my body is burning my muscle fiber for fuel, will I not get hungry? I don't have a "high" of energy, I just have as much energy as I always do (my cardio has doubled, but I can just go longer), or is that what you meant?

I don't do weights now, I use my own bodyweight to build muscle, and my excersize isn't for losing weight (well...part of it isn't) I do it for the improved cardio, what I'm usually thinking of is my performance increase next time I fight.

Now, I skip breakfast, since I'm not up in time for that, and my meal plan is usually: Snack, Lunch, Snack, Dinner, Snack. One of these snacks is invariable junkfood, the other two are usually fruits (grapes, apples, cantaloupe are all I'll eat), sometimes it's only 2 snacks a day, sometimes 4, but I do eat in-between meals.

If I eat more will it still be fine to work my cardio all the time? I rather enjoy the after-feeling. I can't stop training MA 5 days a week, I love it, and I need to stay on top of my game.

Thank you for your help
Posted by: Cord

Re: Is this healthy? - 08/07/06 06:29 AM

If you are in 'starvation' mode, burning muscle as fuel you dont feel hungry, you metabolism slows to a crawl and thus you dont get hunger pangs.

There is no way in hell that you will 'build muscle' by grinding yourself into dust with this much cardio and dropping weight training from your routine.

CV fitness is an important factor in competiton fighting, but no more so than explosive power. No point in being able to go 3x5 min rounds if all you can do is tap away at your oponent. You will be fighting 32 lbs lighter than you are used to, now add in that all your conditioning has neglected strength and power work. You will be lighter, weaker, but have a killer 6 pack. A 6 pack never won a fight!

You need to vary your training to embrace all aspects of your fighting tools. weight training does not equate with size. You can train for strength and still continue towards your competiton weight.
Also remember that your oponent will dehydrate short term for weigh in and then come to the cage a good deal heavier than the scales would suggest. If you are sensible you will do the same- you dont have to be a 'true' 185 to fight in the 185 division.

If you want to stop by the strength forum and post your complete training regime (MA included) I would be happy to tune it for you.

on the point of eating, make all your snacks nutritious and get up for breakfast you lazy bum!