
Posted by: Zezima

Effergine? - 02/07/06 04:54 AM

Well I've used google and didn't get too much luck with finding certain information.
I play football(soccer at senior level now (I'm 16) and I've noticed that 60% of my team take effergine before the match, some of them said the only effects of it is a shrivelled and small penis the next day, however I don't believe this, it must effect them internally right? I believe it's illegal but not class a? I might quit the team if they are carrying those sort of drugs around with them just incase we get pulled over or something.

Posted by: Cord

Re: Effergine? - 02/07/06 05:35 AM

Its ephedrine. Its a stimulant. It places great stress on the heart. It is used to give 'false' energy and also as a fat burner. Its bad news. AVOID IT.
Posted by: Zezima

Re: Effergine? - 02/07/06 05:36 AM

ah ok, no wonder I weren't getting much luck on searching for it, thanks
Posted by: Cord

Re: Effergine? - 02/07/06 06:38 AM

If your not thinking of taking them, no need to search any further. Seriously, this stuff is no different to taking speed or other recreational amphetamines. Many athletes who start to rely on ephedrine 'buzz' move up the chain to stuff like nubaine and even cocaine. I have seen this happen, rely on your youth and training for performance and energy, dont turn into a junky to run quick in the second half of a game of soccer.
Posted by: srv

Re: Effergine? - 02/08/06 07:59 PM

I don't know the level of football you are at and whether you'd be playing it at any sort of professional level, but I believe that ephedrine is a banned substance at elite sporting levels. Plus, it's bad news to take any sort of stimulant for sport. (or anything for that matter) Don't even try it. It's not good for you.
Posted by: MikeMartial

Re: Effergine? - 02/09/06 03:35 AM

Normally, unless a supplement is proven to dangerous 100% of the time, I'm ok with it; it's usually un-informed people making bad decisions about what they are putting into their own bodies.

But in the case of ephedrine, I can easily say stay the heck away from it.

In my early 20's, when the ECA stack was just becoming popular, I got a severe nosebleed while doing squats one day. I'm talking a gusher. This was very disturbing because:

I never get nosebleeds. I've been kicked, kneed, elbowed, punched and even head-butted in the nose. Never once did it bleed.

Needless to say, I stopped taking ephedrine that day, for that very reason.

Does it work? Yes, it's proven and effective fat burner, due to the increase in metabolic rate; I had some of my most intense workouts ever while on it.

Is it safe? Even though the jury is still out on that, and it's still legal, I'd say it's leaning towards the dangerous side.

All I know is that it's sure as hell not worth a massive stroke.
Posted by: Al_Fernz

Re: Effergine? - 02/09/06 03:38 PM


some of them said the only effects of it is a shrivelled and small penis the next day,

The only effects?

Surely that wud be enough for any man to stop taking the stuff?
Posted by: tuxette

Re: Effergine? - 02/10/06 05:26 AM

What makes it dangerous is improper use and dosage. If you're going to use something like ephedrine, you should be getting it and using it under the watchful eye of a medical professional, and not from some supplement-pusher salesperson whose only real motivation is profit by catering to people's insecurities.