Too much protein at once?

Posted by: SANCHIN31

Too much protein at once? - 05/18/05 07:08 AM

Can you take too much protein in at once? How much should you take per sitting for gaining weight? Is it 1gram per pound or kilo? What are some good sources for protein? Are supplements needed?
Posted by: globetrotter

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/18/05 10:16 AM

1. you can't get protien poison, but it can play hell on your digestive system
2. it is more that you don't get enough other nutrients. if you take a multivitemen, and you get 10-20% of caloric intake in fat, and at least 30-40% in carbs (for a total of at least 50%) then you can safely eat 50% of total caloric intake in protien over the long term. for a short period, or for a day or two a week, you can boost that, if you really want.

you should aim at 1 gram per pound of target weight, and then calculate the calories and figure to equal that amount of calories with with complex carbs, fiber, vegies etc, but keep at least 10-20% in healthy fat.

best sources - wild salmon, tuna, white meat turkey, lean beef, chicken, beans, chickpeas, soy, eggs, cottage chease, peanut butter (not nessasarily in order).

you don't need supliments, if you eat according to the above guidlines, but a shot of protien powder mixed into some natural fruit juice is a fantastic snack to have right after weight training or in the mid afternoon.
Posted by: hazard121

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/19/05 02:10 AM

Meat is a good source of protein..but eggs have a high biological value (highest amount of amino acids out of all foods) a fully grown man needs around 50-70 grams of protein per day..your body usually can take in around 30-40 grams per sitting every 4-5 hours...

suppliments are the easiest way to consume quality protein without fats n carbs ect..

excess protein is just used as energy..(1 gram of protein contains 17 kjs of energy)
Posted by: SANCHIN31

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/19/05 04:31 AM

Thanks for the info guys. I'm looking to try to put on about 20lbs of muscle by the end of the year.
I weigh 190lbs and am 6'3" 31yrs old. So I need 200g of protein per day along with my workouts?
Thanks for the info!
Posted by: globetrotter

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/19/05 08:58 AM

more or less. you could aim at 220 grams, if you want to be exact, and by overshooting this could help you gain faster. remember the sleep factor, as well - it is hard to gain 20 pounds of muscle quickly without 8 hours of sleep.

a good book on this is the "testosterone advantage" by mens health. you can probrably get it at the library, no need to buy.
Posted by: jaret345

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/19/05 12:27 PM

you can only digest 35grams of protein at once, digesting a lot of protein t once isn't going to really do anything its just not supposed to be that good for your liver
Posted by: SANCHIN31

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/20/05 04:50 AM


your body usually can take in around 30-40 grams per sitting every 4-5 hours...

So if I need at least 200g of protein I have to stay up 24-30 hrs a day!!!!!
Posted by: globetrotter

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/20/05 08:12 AM

I am not a doctor or a dietitian, but I am pretty sure that a 200 pound man can obsorb more than 35 grams of protien at one sitting. what I usually do is have a protien drink right after (literally as I am leaving) the gym, and then my regular meals. so if you have 40 gr at breakfast, and 30 grams at 11, and 40 at 13:00 and 30 at 16:00 and 40 at 19:00 and 30 before you go to bed, that is over 200.

frankly, I will usually have more with meals and less with snacks, except the protien drink. but I am not good about controling my diet anymore.
Posted by: ken harding

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/20/05 08:42 AM

I weigh 190lbs and am 6'3" 31yrs old.

Sanchin why are you after hitting 210 lbs?

Your BMI will go from 23.7ish to 26+. Ok so long as you are fit but later in life it might give you a problem with weight.

At 31 I'd stay a steady weight unless there is some over riding reason for you to gain muscle.
Posted by: SANCHIN31

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/20/05 05:35 PM


I weigh 190lbs and am 6'3" 31yrs old.

Sanchin why are you after hitting 210 lbs?

Your BMI will go from 23.7ish to 26+. Ok so long as you are fit but later in life it might give you a problem with weight.

At 31 I'd stay a steady weight unless there is some over riding reason for you to gain muscle.

Thankyou. I really don't have a good reason.In fact my reasons are pretty shallow . I've always been thin and just want to be over 200lb. I am in great shape as it is,just want to be bigger,stronger.

BMI ??
Posted by: Dereck

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/20/05 06:00 PM

Sanchin, don't worry about the BMI, this was designed for everyday normal people who do not work with weights or exercise to become bigger and stronger.

My own BMI is around 29.51 and I am in very good shape. Could be better if I wasn't injured and taking a break but still in better shape then the majority of people.

If you took the BMI from any pro athlete they would all be considered possible candidates for a coffin.
Posted by: Blindsided

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/20/05 11:17 PM

body mass index
Posted by: Stampede

Re: Too much protein at once? - 05/21/05 05:04 PM


I weigh 190lbs and am 6'3" 31yrs old.

Sanchin why are you after hitting 210 lbs?

Your BMI will go from 23.7ish to 26+. Ok so long as you are fit but later in life it might give you a problem with weight.

At 31 I'd stay a steady weight unless there is some over riding reason for you to gain muscle.

BMI is garbage. Using the Austrian Oak's numbers plugged into the BMI formula, he is morbidly obese. It is an overly simplistic formula which ignores far too many aspects of physical fitness .

For example: according to the linked BMI calculator I am, at 5' 8", 195lbs, 15% bodyfat, currently doing two full-body weight training routines weekly, training martial arts for 1.5-2.0 hours five days a week (more when I can make it to classes), eating a very healthy diet, an obese individual.

Also, check out the " What Does All This Mean? " link on the CDC page. I very much like how they break down the body mass index as one aspect of a person's health as opposed to a calculation showing the fit and muscular are identical to the overweight and out-of-shape [I've had clients who've used my measurements and shown me I'm obese - it's a coming defense when training and dietary changes are suggested]