Theory CD-ROM

Posted by: Anonymous

Theory CD-ROM - 04/17/05 09:46 AM

Hi all

I am in my final year at Salford University, as part of my final project I am proposing to create an interactive TKD theory CD-ROM. The CD-ROM aims to test students with the theory required for their gradings by means of a quiz and seeks to be their very own interactive examiner.

The CD serves to:
Prepare strudents for their gradings by means of an interactive quiz
Re-enforce information received in class
Be reference material they can refer back to at any stage in their TKD progress

Do you think it would help? how
Would you use one? why
Are probs you see with CD-ROM
What are the advantages of CD-ROM
Are there other products already like this?

I would be most grateful if you could take a few moments to comment on the above to help me progress with my university project

Note: Comments most welcome from all disciplines and grades please leave discipline and grade in with comments cheers
