huh ????

Posted by: Anonymous

huh ???? - 12/10/04 12:02 AM
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: huh ???? - 12/10/04 04:39 AM

It's been done before, and it got nasty!

It doesn't look bad to me. Goinian looks knowledgeable There was a s/fight over Goinian's lineage before. I am unaware, and will go no further.

This, to me is incorrect.

"White Crane is not "Karate" nor is it related to "Hakutsuru."

Many within the martial arts world state that their exists a link from Okinawan Karate to that of White Crane but nothing could be further from the truth.

White Crane as a unique art form and tradition has no verifiable link to Okinawan Karate and even less to that which is commonly termed "Hakutsuru."

Okinawans did not get their materials from Fuzhou. They may have acquired it from Fujian / Taiwan or any other part of China but not Fuzhou.

Karate researchers are better off looking at Ngo Chor (5 Elders) and Tai Chor (Grand Ancestor) rather that White Crane per se. These 2 styles are greatly influenced by Fukien White Crane and these could be their original source. The Tiger Kung Fu is the very one that the Uechi Ryu people align themselves with.

Karate contains very little White Crane. There is some Chinese connection but definitely not White Crane. Most Karate folks talk about White Crane but nothing they do comes close. Goju-Ryu seems more aligned to Ngo Chor. Uechi-Ryu would seem to reflect the essence of Tiger Kung Fu within its technical make-up.

White Crane is a totally unique art and is in no way related to modern "Crane Karate" and "Hakutsuru" as taught by other groups.

Their purported Crane forms are nothing like what we do in White Crane – especially in relation to fundamental root dissimilarities and not stylistics. It would seem that the only thing they obtained out of Fuzhou is the names of their katas.

As for "Hakutsuru", a few think that White Crane is just a couple of crane styles blocks and crane beak hand strikes! Much (if not all) of that passed off as "Hakutsuru" has no relation to White Crane. "

karate is anything basically. It's a generic term like kenpo or kuntao.

But, to say this seems contrary to much of the bubishi. Lohai, Chinto, Hakatsuru and others are white crane. To say they are not because it wasn't taught directly, would mean Uechi isn't Tiger Kung Fu, because it is Pan Gai Noon. (They also see theirs as a crane, tiger and dragon trigram). Also, much of the initial chapters of the bubishi talk about the cosmic wedding of black tiger and white crane.