Posted by: everyone

ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 02:08 PM

An ATA TKD place opened up next door to where I work. I was thinking it might be worth joining so I could go there during lunch instead of poking around on the internet. Their classes are 45min long so it won't interfere with work.

I had tried TKD about 23 years ago. It really isn't the style for me and I would not give up KF. I'm just thinking it would be a good thing to do over lunch (get some excercise and learn something new).

Posted by: Cord

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 02:26 PM

If you dont enjoy TKD from past experience, and are happy to stick with KF as your martial art, then why pay money to do something you dont like?

Take your workout clothes to work with you and go for a run during your lunchtime- great for fitness and completely free
Posted by: DeadlyKnuckles

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 03:39 PM

In my opinion, you're better off finding something else.

I have read nothing but complaints regarding the ATA. From their required three-year contract to the lack of sparring, impractical training methods and expensive fees.
Posted by: Supremor

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 04:26 PM

As Cord says, if you didn't enjoy it the first time, why waste your money the second time round? Also, the ATA is a very controversial organisation, and 45 minute classes scream to me that this school is not the best place to train.
Posted by: everyone

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 05:18 PM

It's not that I didn't enjoy participating in TKD, it just wasn't what I was looking for in a martial art. It still isn't but I thought it may serve a purpose, like Tae Boe, as good exercise and helping to improve/learn skills.

I didn't inquire about costs or contracts yet so I don't know if it would be worth it from a financial standpoint.

Also, I was considering it from a convenience point of view. And I really don't like jogging.
Posted by: Cord

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 06:01 PM

Well, its is your choice, but I still fail to see the logic in investigating an art, for whatever reason, that is of no interest, and the persuit of which, on any level, could compromise or confuse the coordination and mechanics you require in your 'real' art.
Posted by: everyone

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/10/09 07:05 PM

Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the idea. That's why I am asking for opinions.

I think it would be a fun way to spend my lunch hour but I don't want to pick up contradictory habits. Also, I am not that into the art of TKD, and don't in any way want to disrespect the intructor.

If I could find someone to practice with (instead of paying for lesson) over lunch, that would be perfect. Unfortunately in this imperfect world, this is the closest I could come up with so far. Solo drills are ok but not everyday.
Posted by: Cord

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/11/09 01:22 AM

Hve you tried putting a request up on your staff notice board? Its always possible you have a colleague who trains, but doesn't make it widely known.

Other option is to look in your immediate area for a gym that has a heavy bag you could use. Daytime only memberships to healthclubs tend to be much cheaper as they are 'off-peak' time spots, and 8 rounds on a heavy bag is gonna be a better workout than going through an MA class without any real conviction in what you are doing.

Just an idea
Posted by: everyone

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/12/09 08:28 PM


A side note about class times: The lunch time class is 45 minutes long. Regular evening classes are 30 minutes long unless you are in their "leadership" program, then it's at 45 minutes. I don't know what the leadership program is but it overlaps the regular class.
Posted by: BrianS

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/13/09 05:26 AM


Yeah, I have mixed feelings about the idea. That's why I am asking for opinions.

Personally, I wouldn't waste my time. Surely there are better options if you look hard enough.


I think it would be a fun way to spend my lunch hour but I don't want to pick up contradictory habits. Also, I am not that into the art of TKD, and don't in any way want to disrespect the intructor.

They won't care as long as you sign on the dotted line and make regular payments.


If I could find someone to practice with (instead of paying for lesson) over lunch, that would be perfect. Unfortunately in this imperfect world, this is the closest I could come up with so far. Solo drills are ok but not everyday

Don't settle just because it's convenient.
Posted by: everyone

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/16/09 12:47 PM

Brian, you are right, I should not settle. I guess I'm just going through kung fu withdrawl. Because of some scheduling conflicts at work I haven't been able to practice during the week, only on Saturdays. This situation should resolve soon and I can get back to doing what I love to do...
Posted by: BrianS

Re: ATA TKD Lunch - 02/17/09 03:49 AM

I understand completely! Sometimes we get desperate when it's been a while from our norm. Things will work out and the wait will be worth it. I'd rather have 6months of good training than 2yrs of bad training.