Dont pull on this thread, it is connected

Posted by: RazorFoot

Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 01:17 PM

I was thinking about how much I have learned and benefitted from this forum. It is,as someone else once stated in a thread, an actual virtual dojo.

As I was remeniscing (sp), I was trying to think which thread had influenced me the most over my time here. I have gained a lot of practical fighting knowledge but the philosophical learning has been important as well.

Can you tell me which thread has helped you, touched you, or enlightened you the most? If it is one of your own threads that others have amply contributed to, that is fine also. Do not be bashful because many great minds have probably contributed to make the thread what it was.

It does not have to be from this topic area either. It can be in any one of the forum topic areas. And it could have just been one that made you feel good after reading it. Just interested in finding out what moved you, enlightened you, touched you, or taught you the most.

And, if I have not read it, it may well help me as much as it helped you.
Posted by: harlan

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 01:34 PM

This one. No joke. If all the threads are connected, like glowing white lines that connect people, trees, computers (Indra's Net), then the site is viewed as a whole.

A more shallow answer would be: hoodat. Was an intense two days, and got introduced to new folks.
Posted by: JoelM

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 01:42 PM

One of my first "enlightening" threads was the Hapkido(don't remember the exact name) thread quite a while ago. A majority of it was JKogas going on about "alive" training. It was long, drawn out, and quite inflammatory at times, but I was able to finally understand JKogas' approach and methodology to training and see contrasts and comparisons to other methods (both in the thread and in my head).

I'm also starting to enjoy "Oldman's Technique of the week" and other application threads.

But in general I gravitate more towards philosophical threads ather than technical. I do this for two reasons:
1-my own lack of technical knowledge and skill, I leave it to the more educated.
2-Writing is good and all, but I prefer to learn 1st-hand, which I'm sure you all do. If I do read a technical thread, I usually just put that in he back of my head until I have qualified instruction to help.
Posted by: Foolsgold

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 01:54 PM

Usually, it's the threads that I go on rants about. *sighs*

It's true, though. I don't have much opportunity to find myself in dire straits in person, but it's true that you only see a person's true form under pressure. This just happens to be a...weird...kind of pressure .

I've learned more about myself through my own rants than I could ever hope to learn about technical application on here. I learned from the "$1,000,000,000 question" thread that I am all talk about being realistic and pragmatic. LOL! I'm an idealist to the core now.

The nazi thread *shudder* showed me that while I possess the cognitive ability of an adult (accurate self-assessment only), I do not have the emotional maturity yet. I learned that I have a ways to go in that regard, but the first step to healing is admitting the problem, right?


A thread that I can't remember the title of set my belief that politics hold no value in stone. Even if I was probably beaten in the debate, I really had to dig deep.

I suppose that means that I learn from my mistakes. YAY! (And no, I'm not gonna go making "mistakes" on purpose now.)
Posted by: Foolsgold

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 01:56 PM

I gravitate toward the philosophical ones for the same reasons, Joel. My only help in the footwork thread was to give a soccer analogy...and then left it open for others to interpret!
Posted by: DullBlade42

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 02:47 PM


I learned from the "$1,000,000,000 question" thread that I am all talk about being realistic and pragmatic. LOL! I'm an idealist to the core now.

Oh man was that thread frusturating.

Which thread influenced me the most? The ones that make me think. There have been quite a few threads that make me think so naming specific ones will be hard. But you know the kind, the ones that twist reality and makes you think stuff you have never thunk before!
Posted by: Bushi_no_ki

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 03:24 PM

I can't think of any single thread that has affected me the most. There have been a few that have raised my ire some, and there have been a few that make me think. I've also learned a little about what is availabe in terms of traditiona JMA/OMA.
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 04:04 PM

Oh my.....yes there have been a few. Great post, Razor.

TECHNICAL - MuayThai's thread on the MT clinch and related techniques.

HISTORICAL - Shug's thread on the "History of TKD".


Oldman's "hoodat/youdat". Hilarious, plus got to see the faces that go with some of the writers here. Even with BuDoc flinging me to the lowest rounds of hell (for naught! JohnL beat me to the question anyway!), a great time.

LAUGH AT ANOTHER'S EXPENSE - The "I'm an assassin" thread. Oldman knows the one of which I speak. "Assassins know how to kill, but they don't know how to defend themselves", etc.


Oldman's cartoon rocked!

Oh yeah, and the one about the Supreme ultimate Soke (or whatever) that lifted all the "100 gallon containers of ice cream", dug ditches, etc. Idiot, but funny.

EYE OPENER - The "Bushido Academy of Martial arts" thread. The eye opener was not that there are McDojo's in the UK. The eye opener was that so few seemed to care......

Another hilarious Oldman cartoon as well.

LEVITATING WITH RAGE - The various street/sport, striking/groundfighting, X art sucks threads.

Cause I need higher blood pressure. Where's my kool-aide?

Posted by: Kintama

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 05:03 PM

{some kind of hard to place eastern european accent} "Zere waz song, an-dance and oh! how ve laughed...wahaha."

There were a bunch of threads that inspired me to learn. Some of the best were lost in the migration.
After the first couple of days here the one topic that started me thinking that the forum might actually be a useful tool, It was a thread where I got a pimp-beating from He pissed me off enough to do some research, and while I was busy digging up some ammo and dirt on him, I came across some really interesting topics by victor, hedkikr, cxt, medulanet, Mr V, sanchin31 and alot of others ...I got sidetracted to the point that I was no longer angry at mv, and started to take a different approach to posting. For that initial virtual hit upside da head, thanx brah.

tons of other memorable of the funnier ones was the whole Oozuru business with JoelM. For those who missed it: This guy Oozuru claimed to have advanced training in a list of 30-odd styles (he's less than 25 years old) and invented his very own "Raptor" style based on the movements of dinosaurs- he was dead serious. LOL All of these claims in great detail were made to Joel in PM's until Joel produced them on the forum to Oozuru's horror...he continued to defend his claims and sunk himself so far down in the credibility food chain, that he announced shortly after that he was moving to Hawaii. the next day he changed his mind, he will now move to Spain. His reasoning? so he could have a fresh start in a new forum with people that would listen to him...or something like that.'s the internet, which is not bound by physical location. he was determined to move...somewhere.
bizzare and hilarious.
Posted by: butterfly

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/02/05 05:25 PM


So that was the Oozuru thing!!! I read the tail end of the postings and didn't get it until you just mentioned it. So that was it..."Raptor Style." What a knuckle-head.

Ok, now I am laughing...

Posted by: Cord

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 08:49 AM

As an eye opener and saviour of my precious money the 'Bushido Academy of Martial Arts' thread was hugely helpful to me, not to mention being the thread that brought me to the forum (you lucky people )

For most enjoyment I would have to say Joel's 'Daily Zen' has been a consistently enjoyable daily ritual, developed from an inspired idea (props buddy).
Posted by: Kintama

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 09:26 AM

Cord, stop pulling our chain and stringing us along your tightrope on this thread, you are walking a thin line by not giving a strand of evidence linking even a fiber of evidence to your opinions. now tighten up those bootstraps and stop spining your web of opinionated opinions.

(makes no sense what so ever, but I couldnt resist the pun rush...I'm a hairbrain)

on topic: remember that thread asking people how many 5-year olds they could 'put down' in a fight before being overrun by kicks and scratches to the beans and exhastion? That had to be the most demented, twisted, non-PC, and one of the top funniest threads. people giving their strategies for max count and effeciency, sick lol ... p.s. I think the number that most came up with was about 30-50.
Posted by: shukokaichap

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 10:11 AM


EYE OPENER - The "Bushido Academy of Martial arts" thread. The eye opener was not that there are McDojo's in the UK. The eye opener was that so few seemed to care......

I hold the dubious honour (english spelling) of starting "that" thread.

It is absolutely incredible to think that a small conversation with a friend in a pub in the UK can start such a worldwide conversation between Martial Artists and bring so many people together.

But I must admit I am still a bit scared to start any new threads! In case they run to 500+ posts
Posted by: MattJ

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 10:15 AM

Kin -

I forgot about that one!!! That was so sick and twisted, but totally hilarious!!
Posted by: Cord

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 10:37 AM

yep, 'limb nunchuks', and other such atrocities were fab. I also like any thread to do with Elvis and his MA credentials, just because it is fascinating to see the strength of loyalty he inspires in his fans- I mean, they get really hot under the collar, and its not like anyone disses his voice, just whether he could stop people treading on his blue suade shoes
Posted by: MAGr

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 10:58 AM

The most imoportant thing i have learned from not just one thread but all of the ones I have participated in is to respect people's opinion (especially from the "guns as self defence thread" which got out of hand and then back in hand).

But i still stand by my opinion that you could "put down" as someone put it so nicely, more 5 yearolds if you keep moving, just keep moving
Posted by: WildBill

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 11:11 AM

This forum has been great...trying to pick a single thread would be immpossible for me. The zen forum, and oldamn`s posts stick out a lot for me. Some of the humouruos ones too...the drunken boxing thing awhile back...never even heard of drunken style before that , I though it was a joke.

"on topic: remember that thread asking people how many 5-year olds they could 'put down' in a fight before being overrun by kicks and scratches to the beans and exhastion? That had to be the most demented, twisted, non-PC, and one of the top funniest threads. people giving their strategies for max count and effeciency, sick lol ... p.s. I think the number that most came up with was about 30-50."

lol...reminded me of South America, in the cities (Lima) they had these gangs of kids ( about 10-13 years old I would guess ) they called them "piranas". 20 or so at a time would jump all over you n take anything they could grab and run with. Fighting them would not have been a good idea though, they mostly carried knives too, but didn`t usually use them unless the victim resisted.
Posted by: Foolsgold

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 01:03 PM

I can't find the topic about "you vs thirty five year olds" . Kintama, help!
Posted by: Kintama

Re: Dont pull on this thread, it is connected - 06/03/05 01:44 PM

Couldn't find it. lost in the move, I'm sure.
I ressurrected another one though